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cocos2dx android 环境搭建-- 生成的apk文件不能用

悬赏园豆:20 [待解决问题]

[2014-02-28 02:31:54 - Android SDK] Warning when loading the SDK:

Warning: Ignoring add-on 'addon-google_apis-google-19': Unable to find base platform with API level '19'
Warning: Ignoring add-on 'addon-google_apis_x86-google-19': Unable to find base platform with API level '19'
[2014-02-28 02:32:14 - Dex Loader] Unable to execute dex: java.nio.BufferOverflowException. Check the Eclipse log for stack trace.
[2014-02-28 02:32:14 - HelloWorld] Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: java.nio.BufferOverflowException. Check the Eclipse log for stack trace.
[2014-02-28 02:33:06 - HelloWorld] Dx
trouble writing output: already prepared
[2014-02-28 02:33:08 - HelloWorld] ------------------------------
[2014-02-28 02:33:08 - HelloWorld] Android Launch!
[2014-02-28 02:33:08 - HelloWorld] adb is running normally.
[2014-02-28 02:33:08 - HelloWorld] Performing org.HelloWorld.game.HelloWorld activity launch
[2014-02-28 02:33:08 - HelloWorld] Automatic Target Mode: launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'AVD_for_2_7in_QVGA'
[2014-02-28 02:33:08 - HelloWorld] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'AVD_for_2_7in_QVGA'
[2014-02-28 02:33:13 - HelloWorld] New emulator found: emulator-5554
[2014-02-28 02:33:13 - HelloWorld] Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched...
[2014-02-28 02:33:38 - HelloWorld] HOME is up on device 'emulator-5554'
[2014-02-28 02:33:38 - HelloWorld] Uploading HelloWorld.apk onto device 'emulator-5554'
[2014-02-28 02:33:39 - HelloWorld] Installing HelloWorld.apk...
[2014-02-28 02:34:03 - HelloWorld] Success!
[2014-02-28 02:34:04 - HelloWorld] Starting activity org.HelloWorld.game.HelloWorld on device emulator-5554
[2014-02-28 02:34:05 - HelloWorld] ActivityManager: Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] cmp=org.HelloWorld.game/.HelloWorld }



jesse_xie的主页 jesse_xie | 菜鸟二级 | 园豆:377
提问于:2014-02-28 02:40
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