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NHibernate one-to-many子集显示不出来

 <set name="UserSystemCases" table="`User_SystemCase`" cascade="all" generic="true" inverse="true"  lazy="false">
      <key column="caseid" foreign-key="PK_User_SystemCase" />
       <one-to-many class="UserSystemCase" />



View Code
using MyGeneration/Template/NHibernate (c) by Sharp 1.4
based on OHM (alvy77@hotmail.com)
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Iesi.Collections.Generic;
namespace wzsckj.com.Journal.Model

    /// <summary>
    /// ISystemCase interface for NHibernate mapped table 'SystemCase'.
    /// </summary>
    public interface ISystemCase
        #region Public Properties
        int Id
            get ;
            set ;
        int? Pindex
            get ;
            set ;
        int? Parentid
            get ;
            set ;
        int? Caseid
            get ;
            set ;
        string Casename
            get ;
            set ;
        DateTime? Pubdate
            get ;
            set ;
        int? Userid
            get ;
            set ;
        bool? IsShowFlag
            get ;
            set ;
        string CaseData
            get ;
            set ;
        int? CaseDataTypeid
            get ;
            set ;
        bool IsDeleted { get; set; }
        bool IsChanged { get; set; }
         ISet<UserSystemCase> UserSystemCases { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// SystemCase object for NHibernate mapped table 'SystemCase'.
    /// </summary>
    public class SystemCase : ICloneable,ISystemCase
        #region Member Variables

        protected int _id;
        protected int? _pindex;
        protected int? _parentid;
        protected int? _caseid;
        protected string _casename;
        protected DateTime? _pubdate;
        protected int? _userid;
        protected bool? _isshowflag;
        protected string _casedata;
        protected int? _casedatatypeid;
        protected bool _bIsDeleted;
        protected bool _bIsChanged;
        private ISet<UserSystemCase> _UserSystemCase;
        #region Constructors
        public SystemCase() {}
        public SystemCase(int? pPindex, int? pParentid, int? pCaseid, string pCasename, DateTime? pPubdate, int? pUserid, bool? pIsShowFlag, string pCaseData, int? pCaseDataTypeid,ISet<UserSystemCase> pUserSystemCase)
            this._pindex = pPindex; 
            this._parentid = pParentid; 
            this._caseid = pCaseid; 
            this._casename = pCasename; 
            this._pubdate = pPubdate; 
            this._userid = pUserid; 
            this._isshowflag = pIsShowFlag; 
            this._casedata = pCaseData; 
            this._casedatatypeid = pCaseDataTypeid; 
            this._UserSystemCase =pUserSystemCase;
        public SystemCase(int pId)
            this._id = pId; 
        #region Public Properties
        public virtual int Id
            get { return _id; }
            set { _bIsChanged |= (_id != value); _id = value; }
        public virtual int? Pindex
            get { return _pindex; }
            set { _bIsChanged |= (_pindex != value); _pindex = value; }
        public virtual int? Parentid
            get { return _parentid; }
            set { _bIsChanged |= (_parentid != value); _parentid = value; }
        public virtual int? Caseid
            get { return _caseid; }
            set { _bIsChanged |= (_caseid != value); _caseid = value; }
        public virtual string Casename
            get { return _casename; }
              if (value != null && value.Length > 50)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Casename", "Casename value, cannot contain more than 50 characters");
              _bIsChanged |= (_casename != value); 
              _casename = value; 
        public virtual DateTime? Pubdate
            get { return _pubdate; }
            set { _bIsChanged |= (_pubdate != value); _pubdate = value; }
        public virtual int? Userid
            get { return _userid; }
            set { _bIsChanged |= (_userid != value); _userid = value; }
        public virtual bool? IsShowFlag
            get { return _isshowflag; }
            set { _bIsChanged |= (_isshowflag != value); _isshowflag = value; }
        public virtual string CaseData
            get { return _casedata; }
              if (value != null && value.Length > 250)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("CaseData", "CaseData value, cannot contain more than 250 characters");
              _bIsChanged |= (_casedata != value); 
              _casedata = value; 
        public virtual int? CaseDataTypeid
            get { return _casedatatypeid; }
            set { _bIsChanged |= (_casedatatypeid != value); _casedatatypeid = value; }
        public ISet<UserSystemCase> UserSystemCases
            get { return _UserSystemCase; }
            set { _UserSystemCase = value; }
        public bool IsDeleted
                return _bIsDeleted;
                _bIsDeleted = value;
        public bool IsChanged
                return _bIsChanged;
                _bIsChanged = value;
        #region Equals And HashCode Overrides
        /// <summary>
        /// local implementation of Equals based on unique value members
        /// </summary>
        public override bool Equals( object obj )
            if( this == obj ) return true;
            SystemCase castObj = null;
                castObj = (SystemCase)obj;
            } catch(Exception) { return false; } 
            return ( castObj != null ) &&
                ( this._id == castObj.Id );
        /// <summary>
        /// local implementation of GetHashCode based on unique value members
        /// </summary>
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 57; 
            hash = 27 * hash * _id.GetHashCode();
            return hash; 
        #region ICloneable methods
        public object Clone()
            return this.MemberwiseClone();
    #region Custom ICollection interface for SystemCase 

    public interface ISystemCaseCollection : ICollection
        SystemCase this[int index]{    get; set; }
        void Add(SystemCase pSystemCase);
        void Clear();
    public class SystemCaseCollection : ISystemCaseCollection
        private IList<SystemCase> _arrayInternal;

        public SystemCaseCollection()
            _arrayInternal = new List<SystemCase>();
        public SystemCaseCollection( IList<SystemCase> pSource )
            _arrayInternal = pSource;
            if(_arrayInternal == null)
                _arrayInternal = new List<SystemCase>();

        public SystemCase this[int index]
                return _arrayInternal[index];
                _arrayInternal[index] = value;

        public int Count { get { return _arrayInternal.Count; } }
        public bool IsSynchronized { get { return false; } }
        public object SyncRoot { get { return _arrayInternal; } }
        public void CopyTo(Array array, int index){ _arrayInternal.CopyTo((SystemCase[])array, index); }
        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return _arrayInternal.GetEnumerator(); }
        public void Add(SystemCase pSystemCase) { _arrayInternal.Add(pSystemCase); }
        public void Clear() { _arrayInternal.Clear(); }
        public IList<SystemCase> GetList() { return _arrayInternal; }


 For Each sc As SystemCase In lists
            For Each usc As UserSystemCase In sc.UserSystemCases



为什么, 没有内容。奇怪,请高手指点,搞了很长时间了,没有事出来。哎

linqinong的主页 linqinong | 菜鸟二级 | 园豆:202
提问于:2012-08-04 12:17
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