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悬赏园豆:5 [已关闭问题] 关闭于 2016-01-06 21:26

NHibernate: select menu0_."yt_ID" as yt1_6_, menu0_."yt_Name" as yt2_6_,
menu0_."yt_Depth" as yt3_6_, menu0_."yt_XPath" as yt4_6_, menu0_."yt_ChildNum" as yt5_6_,
menu0_."yt_LinkUrl" as yt6_6_, menu0_."yt_ImageUrl" as yt7_6_, menu0_."yt_QuickText" as yt8_6_,
menu0_."yt_QuickImageUrl" as yt9_6_, menu0_."yt_Target" as yt10_6_, menu0_."yt_Visibility" as yt11_6_,
menu0_."yt_Using" as yt12_6_, menu0_."yt_ParentId" as yt13_6_, menu0_."yt_PrivilegeId" as yt14_6_ from "yt_Menu"
menu0_ where 1=1 and (menu0_."yt_ParentId" is null) order by menu0_."yt_XPath" asc

NHibernate: select resource0_."yt_ID" as yt1_3_, resource0_."yt_Name" as yt2_3_,
resource0_."yt_Depth" as yt3_3_, resource0_."yt_XPath" as yt4_3_, resource0_."yt_ChildNum" as yt5_3_,
resource0_."yt_IsVisible" as yt6_3_, resource0_."yt_ParentId" as yt7_3_ from "yt_Resource"
resource0_ order by resource0_."yt_XPath" asc limit 2147483647

NHibernate: select privilege0_."yt_ID" as yt1_4_, privilege0_."yt_Name" as yt2_4_,
privilege0_."yt_Mask" as yt3_4_, privilege0_."yt_Using" as yt4_4_,
privilege0_."yt_ResourceId" as yt5_4_ from "yt_Privilege" privilege0_

NHibernate: UPDATE "yt_Resource" SET "yt_Name" = @p0, "yt_Depth" = @p1, "yt_XPath" = @p2, "yt_ChildNum" = @p3,
"yt_IsVisible" = @p4, "yt_ParentId" = @p5 WHERE "yt_ID" = @p6;
@p0 = '权限管理' [Type: String (0)], @p1 = 0 [Type: Int32 (0)], @p2 = '001' [Type: String (0)],
@p3 = 0 [Type: Int32 (0)], @p4 = True [Type: Boolean (0)], @p5 = NULL [Type: Guid (0)],
@p6 = 3c287804-4b10-4fb5-9b10-5c6ce9392297 [Type: Guid (0)]

An error occured when trying to dispose the transaction
Expected: True
But was: False




sidecore的主页 sidecore | 初学一级 | 园豆:2
提问于:2014-08-01 10:02
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