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ckeditor 的 disableObjectResizing属性

悬赏园豆:15 [已关闭问题]

  ckeditor 的  disableObjectResizing属性好像只有火狐支持。。。是否禁止调整大小功能


看了个老外的留言 但我不知道咋用。

I've created a code that does the same action with other browsers as well (tested with IE8, Opera 9 and Safari 4. for FF 3 i've used the regular method:

iframe_document.execCommand('enableObjectResizing', false, false);

Unfortunately i'm not familier with CKEditor's API so the code is a plane javascript: 'When creating a resizable object:

/*obj = editor_document.createElement(...)*/
obj._originaldimensions = obj.height + '|' + obj.width + '|' + obj.style.height + '|' + obj.style.width;
obj.onresize = function(){
var org = this._originaldimensions.split('|');
if(this.height != org[0])
this.height = org[0];
if(this.width != org[1])
this.width = org[1];
if(this.style.height != org[2])
this.style.height = org[2];
if(this.style.width != org[3])
this.style.width = org[3];
and when outputting the data, just remove the "_originaldimensions" attribute. pretty ugly, but i can't think of a better idea at the moment.

大意还知道点。。但不知道咋 用  昨晚上才开始学ckeditor 太多不会了

那位大哥人物能给我个Dome 禁止调整大小

或吧config.js 发给我。。。谢谢、

mail: 173251213@qq.com


王大湿的主页 王大湿 | 菜鸟二级 | 园豆:457
提问于:2010-01-05 08:45
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