Request processing failed; nested exception is org. apache poi poifs filesystem OfficeXmlFile Exception: The supplied data appears to be in the Office 2007+ XML. You are calling the part
of Poi that deals with OLE2 Office Documents. You need to call a different part of poi to process this data(eg XSSF instead of HSSF)
org. springframework. web. util. NestedServletException: Request processing failed; nested exception is org. apache poi. poifs filesystem OfficeXmlFileException: The supplied data appears to
be in the office 2007+ XML. You are calling the part of poi that deals with OLE2 Office Documents. You need to call a different part of poi to process this data(eg Xss instead of HSSF
ework Servlet java: 973)
org. springframework. web. servlet Framework Servlet doPost(FrameworkServlet java: 863)
let java: 660)
org. springframework. web. servlet Framework Servlet. service(FrameworkServlet java: 837)
org. apache tomcat websocket server. WsFilter do Filter(WsFilter, java: 53)
com. thetransactioncompany cors CORSFilter doFilter( CORSFilter,java: 195)
com. thetransactioncompany cors CORS Filter do Filter(CORSFilter java: 266)
org. apache poi. poifs filesystem OfficeXmlFile Exception: The supplied data appears to be in the Office 2007+ XML. You are calling the part of poi that deals with OLE2 Office Documents. You
need to call a different part of POi to process this data(eg XSSF instead of HSSF)
org. apache poi. poifs storage Header Block. <init>(Header Block java: 130)
org. apache poi. poifs storage Header Block. <init>(Header Block. java: 117)
org. apache poi. poifs. filesystem. POIFSFile System <init>(POIFSFile System java: 294)
org. apache poi hssf. usermodel HSSFWorkbook <init>(HSSFWorkbook, java: 382)
cn.cqsoft commons utils. ReadExcelUtil getWork Book(Read ExcelUtil java: 131)
You need to call a different part of poi to process this data(eg XSSF instead of HSSF)
判断excel是.xls还是 .xlsx结尾 这个 是有区别的。用的api 不同的
使用aspose.excel插件。兼容 linux;
– River111 5年前通过这个方法创建Workbook实例,这个方法是处理了xls,xlsx文件(即调用不同的api创建不相应文件的实例对象)
@throws IOException
public static Workbook getWorkBook(InputStream is,File file) throws Exception{
– River111 5年前Workbook workbook = null; if(file.getName().endsWith(EXCEL_XLS)){ workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(is); }else if(file.getName().endsWith(EXCEL_XLSX)){ workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(is); } return workbook; }