链接查询,升降序,。 搞定
sql查出来就行 算是个练习题 sql语句在https://www.cnblogs.com/mengor/p/7589559.html文章的最下边
select b.name 'course_name', a.number 'num_max', a.student_id 'student_id', c.name 'student_name' from score a,course b,student c
where a.number = (select max(number) from score b where a.course_id=b.course_id)
and a.course_id=b.course_id
and a.student_id=c.student_id;
select b.name 'course_name', a.number 'num_min', a.student_id 'student_id', c.name 'student_name' from score a,course b,student c
where a.number = (select min(number) from score b where a.course_id=b.course_id)
and a.course_id=b.course_id
and a.student_id=c.student_id;
select s.student_id,s.name,c.name,max(sc.number) from course c,student s,score sc group by sc.course_id //查询各科最大分数
union //合并
select s.student_id,s.name,c.name,min(sc.number) from course c,student s,scoue sc group by sc.cource_id; //查询各科最小分数
忘了写等值查询条件自己加一下,group by 写在等值条件后面。