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How can I remove all variables defined by `cmake -D`?

[待解决问题] 浏览: 73次

cmake. How can I remove all variables defined by cmake -D at once ?

for example. I defined FOO and BAR by

cmake -DFOO=foo -DBAR=bar

Errors orrcur when I run cmake -U* ../,

CMake Error: File /Modules/CMakeSystem.cmake.in does not exist.
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/CMakeDetermineSystem.cmake:186 (configure_file):
  configure_file Problem configuring file
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:3 (project)

  • How can I remove all variables defined by the -D option?
KimBing_Ng的主页 KimBing_Ng | 菜鸟二级 | 园豆:352
提问于:2020-05-13 00:44
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