cilium 是基于阿里云弹性网卡部署的,详见博文
node 服务器上 cilium pod 都能正常运行,唯独 control-plane 上 cilium pod 无法正常启动
$ kubectl get pods -l k8s-app=cilium -n kube-system -o wide | grep kube-master0
cilium-bkkqw 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 107 (107s ago) 10h kube-master0
该 pod 的相关日志如下
level=info msg="Waiting for IPs to become available in CRD-backed allocation pool" available=6 helpMessage="Check if cilium-operator pod is running and does not have any warnings or error messages." name=kube-master0 required=8 subsys=ipam
level=info msg="Exiting due to signal" signal=terminated subsys=daemo
是所使用的阿里云 ECS 实例规格的弹性网卡限制引起。当前使用的实例规格是 ecs.c6a.large(2核4G),只支持2块弹性网卡,单网卡私有IP只支持6个。升级为 ecs.c6a.xlarge(4核8G),支持3块弹性网卡与单网卡私有IP 15个,问题就解决了。