关闭于 2008-06-25 00:10
<P>ReportViewer scrollbars are not rendered correctly in <STRONG>IE7</STRONG>. The Vertical<BR>scrollbar can be recovered and the bottom part of the report can be viewed if you add the folowing to your page:<BR>string userAgent = Request.ServerVariables.Get("HTTP_USER_AGENT");<BR>if(userAgent.Contains("MSIE 7.0"))<BR> vwrReports.Attributes.Add("style", "margin-bottom: 30px;");</P>
<P><BR>郁闷啊, 没有水平的滚动条, 在网上查了下, 发现了些solution:</P>
<P>1. Use vwrReports.Attributes.Add("style", "overflow:auto;");<BR>2. Downgrade the ReportViewer control from its earliest version with ns:<BR>Microsoft.Samples.ReportingServices.</P>
<P><BR> </P>