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C++ 虚函数表的问题,能解答出,你就算牛人了

悬赏园豆:100 [待解决问题] 浏览: 683次

class A



    virtual void f(){}



class B



    virtual void g(){}



class A:public A,public B



    virtual void h(){}

    virtual void f(){}

    virtual void g(){}





C类对象布局,最上面的是 A的子对象,含有一个vptr ,紧接着是 B的子对象 还有一个vptr


C * pc = new C();

B * pb = pc;

pc指向的是C对象的首地址,会经过调整后赋值给pb,让pb指向的是 C对象中B的子对象首地址







似是故人来的主页 似是故人来 | 初学一级 | 园豆:100
提问于:2010-08-27 18:37
< > 人人可用的开源BI工具

你看看下面的描述 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_method_table

Consider the following class declarations in C++ syntax:

class B1
void f0() {}
virtual void f1() {}
int int_in_b1;

class B2
virtual void f2() {}
int int_in_b2;

used to derive the following class:

class D : public B1, public B2
void d() {}
void f2() {} // override B2::f2()
int int_in_d;

and the following piece of C++ code:

B2 *b2 = new B2();
D *d = new D();

G++ 3.4.6 from GCC produces the following 32 bit memory layout for the object b2:[nb 1]

+0: pointer to virtual method table of B2
+4: value of int_in_b2

virtual method table of B2:
+0: B2::f2()

and the following memory layout for the object d:

+0: pointer to virtual method table of D (for B1)
+4: value of int_in_b1
+8: pointer to virtual method table of D (for B2)
+12: value of int_in_b2
+16: value of int_in_d

Total size: 20 Bytes.

virtual method table of D (for B1):
+0: B1::f1() // B1::f1() is not overridden

virtual method table of D (for B2):
+0: D::f2() // B2::f2() is overridden by D::f2()

Note that those functions not carrying the keyword virtual in their declaration (such as f0() and d()) do not generally appear in the vtable. There are exceptions for special cases as posed by the default constructor.

Overriding of the method f2() in class D is implemented by duplicating the virtual method table of B2 and replacing the pointer to B2::f2() with a pointer to D::f2().

[edit] Multiple inheritance and thunks

The G++ compiler implements the multiple inheritance of the classes B1 and B2 in class D using two virtual method tables, one for each base class. (There are other ways to implement multiple inheritance, but this is the most common.) This leads to the necessity for "pointer fixups" (thunks) when casting.

Consider the following C++ code:

D  *d  = new D();
B1 *b1 = static_cast<B1*>(d);
B2 *b2 = static_cast<B2*>(d);

While d and b1 will point to the same memory location after execution of this code, b2 will point to the location d+8 (eight bytes beyond the memory location of d). Thus, b2 points to the region within d which "looks like" an instance of B2, i.e., has the same memory layout as an instance of B2.

Jake Lin | 园豆:365 (菜鸟二级) | 2010-08-27 21:55
关于Thunks,这是关键。 Thunks in object-oriented programming Some compilers for object-oriented languages such as C++ generate functions called "thunks" as an optimization of virtual function calls in the presence of multiple or virtual inheritance. Consider the C++ code struct A { int value; virtual int access() { return this->value; } }; struct B { int value; virtual int access() { return this->value; } }; struct C : public A, public B { int better_value; virtual int access() { return this->better_value; } }; int use(B *b) { return b->access(); } ... C c; use(&c); ... Since the function B::access is virtual, the call to b->access() requires a vtable dispatch. In naïve implementations, the dispatch will consist of five steps: 1. The object b holds a pointer to the vtable. Load that pointer into a register. 2. The vtable entry for B::access is at some known offset in the vtable for B; find that entry E. 3. E contains a pointer to a function (in this case, C::access). Load that function pointer C::access. 4. Since C::access expects a this pointer to an instance of C, but b is an instance of B, we must decrement b by the offset of B in C (in this example, probably 8 bytes: the size of C::A::value plus the size of C::A's vtable pointer). Since this offset is not known to use at compile time, it must also be loaded from E. 5. Finally, call C::access with the adjusted value of b. The fourth step, in which an offset is loaded from E and added to b, can be completely eliminated by the compiler, thus speeding up every virtual method call, if the compiler generates a wrapper function like this, and places its address in the vtable entry E: int thunk_for_C_access_in_B(B *b) { C *adjusted_b = (C *)b; /* decrements "b" by 8 */ return adjusted_b->C::access(); /* a [[tail call]] to the original method */ } Then the steps for use()
支持(0) 反对(0) Jake Lin | 园豆:365 (菜鸟二级) | 2010-08-27 22:03


你再仔细看下子类 C 的虚函数表,你会发现你在子类 C 中定义的虚函数 h() 也不见了吧!那 pc->h() 这是如何检索到的呢?

你能由 pb 看到那个虚函数表,是因为你的 pb 实际上是 pc 的地址空间的虚函数表,如果你这样:

B* pb =new B();

你再看 pb 的虚函数表,你就会发现 g() 没了。


Launcher | 园豆:45050 (高人七级) | 2010-08-27 22:41
“子类 C 的虚函数表,你会发现你在子类 C 中定义的虚函数 h() 也不见了”。乱来。。 你先去了解C++对象的内存布局,然后再来回答跟C++对象内存布局相关的问题。
支持(0) 反对(0) 烛秋 | 园豆:200 (初学一级) | 2010-08-29 23:42
@烛秋:大哥,你看到它的图了吗?我反正是没看到,我是根据它的描述推断,他使用了VS的调试状态下查看变量,你也可以去看下 vptr 数组里绝对没有 h().
支持(0) 反对(0) Launcher | 园豆:45050 (高人七级) | 2010-08-30 08:54




花无形 | 园豆:279 (菜鸟二级) | 2012-10-19 22:27