A表(主表 一端)
有 ID Title Content Sender等内容
B表(从表 多端)
有ID AID(A表ID)Reciver内容
ID Title Content Sender Recivers
1 ‘我要提问’ ‘问题XXXXXX’ ‘发送者’ ‘接收者1,接收者2,接收者3.....’
-- oracle 依靠 connect by 很容易就做到了
-- 测试数据:
with A as (
select 1 id , 'aaa' title,'******' content,'sender1' sender from dual union all
select 2 id , 'bbb' title,'******' content,'sender2' sender from dual union all
select 3 id , 'ccc' title,'******' content,'sender3' sender from dual
, B as (
select 1 id , 1 aid, 'R01' Reciver,'********' content from dual union all
select 2 id , 1 aid, 'R02' Reciver,'********' content from dual union all
select 3 id , 1 aid, 'R03' Reciver,'********' content from dual union all
select 4 id , 2 aid, 'R04' Reciver,'********' content from dual union all
select 5 id , 2 aid, 'R05' Reciver,'********' content from dual
-- >> start here
, nb as (
select aid,ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(Reciver,','),',') line
( select row_number() over(partition by aid order by id) rn,id,aid,reciver from B ) b
where connect_by_isleaf=1
start with b.rn=1
connect by prior b.aid=b.aid
and prior b.rn+1=b.rn
select a.id,a.title,a.content,a.sender,nb.line recivers
from A inner join nb
on A.id=nb.aid
-- >> end here
-- >> 结果:
---------- --- ------ ------- ------------------------------
1 aaa ****** sender1 R01,R02,R03
2 bbb ****** sender2 R04,R05
-- SQL Server 2005 或以上版本可以借助递归CTE:
-- 测试数据:
with A(id,title,content,sender) as (
select 1 id , 'aaa' title,'******' content,'sender1' sender union all
select 2 id , 'bbb' title,'******' content,'sender2' sender union all
select 3 id , 'ccc' title,'******' content,'sender3' sender
, B(id,aid,reciver,content) as (
select 1 id , 1 aid, 'R01' Reciver,'********' content union all
select 2 id , 1 aid, 'R02' Reciver,'********' content union all
select 3 id , 1 aid, 'R03' Reciver,'********' content union all
select 4 id , 2 aid, 'R04' Reciver,'********' content union all
select 5 id , 2 aid, 'R05' Reciver,'********' content
-- >> start here
, B_RN_CN(rn,cn,id,aid,reciver) as (
row_number() over(partition by aid order by id) rn,
COUNT(*) over(partition by aid) cn,
from B
, cte as (
select rn,cn,id,aid,reciver,cast(reciver as varchar) line from B_RN_CN where rn=1
union all
select b.rn,b.cn,b.id,b.aid,b.reciver,cast ( line+','+b.reciver as varchar)
from cte c,B_RN_CN b where c.aid=b.aid and b.rn=c.rn+1
select a.id,a.title,a.content,a.sender,c.line recivers
from cte c,A
where c.rn=c.cn
and c.aid=a.id
-- end here
-- 结果:
id title content sender recivers
----------- ----- ------- ------- ------------------------------
1 aaa ****** sender1 R01,R02,R03
2 bbb ****** sender2 R04,R05
看的云里雾里,你的要求是不是这样的,A表中一个AID对表B中多个项是吧,查询时候根据AID得到B中的多项内容,你的要求是将查询后的结果转换成行,这个在SQLserver 2005中有pivot函数