SELECT a . attmachineid , b . employeeid , a . cardno , checkdate , checktime , checktype , a . description
FROM t_attrawrecord a
inner JOIN t_attuserinfo b
ON a . cardno = b . enrollno
WHERE not exists( select 1 from t_attrecord c
where a . attmachineid = c . attmachineid
AND a . cardno = c . cardno
AND a . checkdate = c . checkdate
AND a . checktime = c . checktime
AND b . employeeid = c . employeeid
AND a . checktype = c . checktype )
and checkdate = '2010-10-07'
迅邦软件,采集的时候,是先删除t_attrecord 再更新当天的记录。增加考勤参数
INSERT INTO t_attparam
SELECT '11','系统参数','当天是否删除签卡记录','是',null