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悬赏园豆:100 [待解决问题]


小小小白R的主页 小小小白R | 初学一级 | 园豆:102
提问于:2012-03-04 10:26
< >


az235 | 园豆:8483 (大侠五级) | 2012-03-05 15:50
using AForge.Video;
using AForge.Video.DirectShow;

namespace Snapshot_Maker
public partial class MainForm : Form
private FilterInfoCollection videoDevices;
private VideoCaptureDevice videoDevice;
private VideoCapabilities[] videoCapabilities;
private VideoCapabilities[] snapshotCapabilities;

private SnapshotForm snapshotForm = null;

public MainForm( )
InitializeComponent( );

// Main form is loaded
private void MainForm_Load( object sender, EventArgs e )
// enumerate video devices
videoDevices = new FilterInfoCollection( FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice );

if ( videoDevices.Count != 0 )
// add all devices to combo
foreach ( FilterInfo device in videoDevices )
devicesCombo.Items.Add( device.Name );
devicesCombo.Items.Add( "No DirectShow devices found" );

devicesCombo.SelectedIndex = 0;

EnableConnectionControls( true );

// Closing the main form
private void MainForm_FormClosing( object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e )
Disconnect( );

// Enable/disable connection related controls
private void EnableConnectionControls( bool enable )
devicesCombo.Enabled = enable;
videoResolutionsCombo.Enabled = enable;
snapshotResolutionsCombo.Enabled = enable;
connectButton.Enabled = enable;
disconnectButton.Enabled = !enable;
triggerButton.Enabled = ( !enable ) && ( snapshotCapabilities.Length != 0 );

// New video device is selected
private void devicesCombo_SelectedIndexChanged( object sender, EventArgs e )
if ( videoDevices.Count != 0 )
videoDevice = new VideoCaptureDevice( videoDevices[devicesCombo.SelectedIndex].MonikerString );
EnumeratedSupportedFrameSizes( videoDevice );

// Collect supported video and snapshot sizes
private void EnumeratedSupportedFrameSizes( VideoCaptureDevice videoDevice )
this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

videoResolutionsCombo.Items.Clear( );
snapshotResolutionsCombo.Items.Clear( );

videoCapabilities = videoDevice.VideoCapabilities;
snapshotCapabilities = videoDevice.SnapshotCapabilities;

foreach ( VideoCapabilities capabilty in videoCapabilities )
if ( !videoResolutionsCombo.Items.Contains( capabilty.FrameSize ) )
videoResolutionsCombo.Items.Add( capabilty.FrameSize );

foreach ( VideoCapabilities capabilty in snapshotCapabilities )
if ( !snapshotResolutionsCombo.Items.Contains( capabilty.FrameSize ) )
snapshotResolutionsCombo.Items.Add( capabilty.FrameSize );

if ( videoCapabilities.Length == 0 )
videoResolutionsCombo.Items.Add( "Not supported" );
if ( snapshotCapabilities.Length == 0 )
snapshotResolutionsCombo.Items.Add( "Not supported" );

videoResolutionsCombo.SelectedIndex = 0;
snapshotResolutionsCombo.SelectedIndex = 0;
this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

// On "Connect" button clicked
private void connectButton_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
if ( videoDevice != null )
if ( ( videoCapabilities != null ) && ( videoCapabilities.Length != 0 ) )
videoDevice.DesiredFrameSize = (Size) videoResolutionsCombo.SelectedItem;

if ( ( snapshotCapabilities != null ) && ( snapshotCapabilities.Length != 0 ) )
videoDevice.ProvideSnapshots = true;
videoDevice.DesiredSnapshotSize = (Size) snapshotResolutionsCombo.SelectedItem;
videoDevice.SnapshotFrame += new NewFrameEventHandler( videoDevice_SnapshotFrame );

EnableConnectionControls( false );

videoSourcePlayer.VideoSource = videoDevice;
videoSourcePlayer.Start( );

// On "Disconnect" button clicked
private void disconnectButton_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
Disconnect( );

// Disconnect from video device
private void Disconnect( )
if ( videoSourcePlayer.VideoSource != null )
// stop video device
videoSourcePlayer.SignalToStop( );
videoSourcePlayer.WaitForStop( );
videoSourcePlayer.VideoSource = null;

if ( videoDevice.ProvideSnapshots )
videoDevice.SnapshotFrame -= new NewFrameEventHandler( videoDevice_SnapshotFrame );

EnableConnectionControls( true );

// Simulate snapshot trigger
private void triggerButton_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
if ( ( videoDevice != null ) && ( videoDevice.ProvideSnapshots ) )
videoDevice.SimulateTrigger( );

// New snapshot frame is available
private void videoDevice_SnapshotFrame( object sender, NewFrameEventArgs eventArgs )
Console.WriteLine( eventArgs.Frame.Size );

ShowSnapshot( (Bitmap) eventArgs.Frame.Clone( ) );

private void ShowSnapshot( Bitmap snapshot )
if ( InvokeRequired )
Invoke( new Action<Bitmap>( ShowSnapshot ), snapshot );
if ( snapshotForm == null )
snapshotForm = new SnapshotForm( );
snapshotForm.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler( snapshotForm_FormClosed );
snapshotForm.Show( );

snapshotForm.SetImage( snapshot );

private void snapshotForm_FormClosed( object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e )
snapshotForm = null;
支持(0) 反对(0) 小小小白R | 园豆:102 (初学一级) | 2012-03-05 16:50

@小小小白R: 是哪个方法进行视频、图像捕获的?

支持(0) 反对(0) az235 | 园豆:8483 (大侠五级) | 2012-03-05 17:11


 videoSourcePlayer.VideoSource = videoDevice;
videoSourcePlayer.Start( );

支持(0) 反对(0) 小小小白R | 园豆:102 (初学一级) | 2012-03-05 22:13