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mongodb C#获取数据报错:ReadStartDocument cannot be ...

悬赏园豆:100 [待解决问题]

public class CustomerInfo


private List<ContactInfo> Tx_Contact = new List<ContactInfo> ();

private List<TransactionRecordInfo> Tx_TransactionRecord = new List<TransactionRecordInfo> ();

public class ContactInfo


private string Tx_Name = "";//姓名

private int Tx_Sex = 0;//性别

private string Tx_Position = "";//职位

private DateTime Tx_Birthday = DateTime.Now;//生日



public class TransactionRecordInfo


private string Tx_ServiceType = "";//服务类型

private DateTime Tx_UpdateTime = DateTime.Now;//交易时间

private int Tx_Amount = 0;//金额

private string Tx_ServiceTime = "";//服务年限

private string Tx_Note = "";//备注



获取这样的 嵌套类型(CustomerInfo),直接用官方的驱动可以实现吗

我直接获取 为什么报错呢?ReadStartDocument cannot be called when BsonType is: Array



采用 monogdb 官方驱动

三迅网络的主页 三迅网络 | 初学一级 | 园豆:102
提问于:2012-03-23 10:27
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