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悬赏园豆:5 [待解决问题]
  1 // QIrrlichtWidget.cpp   2   3 #include "QIrrlichtWidget.h"   4 #include <QtCore/QDebug>   5   6 QIrrlichtWidget::QIrrlichtWidget(QWidget *parent) :
  7     QWidget(parent)
  8 {
  9 // Indicates that the widget wants to draw directly onto the screen. (From documentation : http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qt.html)
 10 // Essential to have this or there will be nothing displayed  11     setAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen);
 12 // Indicates that the widget paints all its pixels when it receives a paint event.
 13 // Thus, it is not required for operations like updating, resizing, scrolling and focus changes to erase the widget before generating paint events.
 14 // Not sure this is required for the program to run properly, but it is here just incase.  15     setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent);
 16 // Widget accepts focus by both tabbing and clicking  17     setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);
 18 // Not sure if this is necessary, but it was in the code I am basing this solution off of  19 setAutoFillBackground(false);
 20  21 device = 0;
 22 }
 23  24 QIrrlichtWidget::~QIrrlichtWidget()
 25 {
 26 if(device != 0)
 27     {
 28 device->closeDevice();
 29 device->drop();
 30     }
 31 }
 32  33 // Create the Irrlicht device and connect the signals and slots  34 void QIrrlichtWidget::init()
 35 {
 36 // Make sure we can't create the device twice  37 if(device != 0)
 38 return;
 39  40 // Set all the device creation parameters  41 SIrrlichtCreationParameters params;
 42 params.AntiAlias = 0;
 43 params.Bits = 32;
 44 params.DeviceType = EIDT_X11;
 45 params.Doublebuffer = true;
 46 params.DriverType = EDT_OPENGL;
 47 params.EventReceiver = 0;
 48 params.Fullscreen = false;
 49 params.HighPrecisionFPU = false;
 50 params.IgnoreInput = false;
 51 params.LoggingLevel = ELL_INFORMATION;
 52 params.Stencilbuffer = true;
 53 params.Stereobuffer = false;
 54 params.Vsync = false;
 55 // Specify which window/widget to render to  56 params.WindowId = reinterpret_cast<void*>(winId());
 57 params.WindowSize.Width = width();
 58 params.WindowSize.Height = height();
 59 params.WithAlphaChannel = false;
 60 params.ZBufferBits = 16;
 61  62 // Create the Irrlicht Device with the previously specified parameters  63  64 device = createDeviceEx(params); //问题应该出在这,下面的if语句没有执行  65  66 if(device)
 67     {
 68 // Create a camera so we can view the scene  69 camera = device->getSceneManager()->addCameraSceneNode(0, vector3df(0,30,-40), vector3df(0,5,0));
 70     }
 71  72 // Connect the update signal (updateIrrlichtQuery) to the update slot (updateIrrlicht)  73 connect(this, SIGNAL(updateIrrlichtQuery(IrrlichtDevice*)), this, SLOT(updateIrrlicht(IrrlichtDevice*)));
 74  75 // Start a timer. A timer with setting 0 will update as often as possible.  76 startTimer(0);
 77 }
 78  79 IrrlichtDevice* QIrrlichtWidget::getIrrlichtDevice()
 80 {
 81 return device;
 82 }
 83  84 void QIrrlichtWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event)
 85 {
 86 if(device != 0)
 87     {
 88         emit updateIrrlichtQuery(device);
 89     }
 90 }
 91  92 void QIrrlichtWidget::timerEvent(QTimerEvent* event)
 93 {
 94 // Emit the render signal each time the timer goes off  95 if (device != 0)
 96     {
 97         emit updateIrrlichtQuery(device);
 98     }
 99 100 event->accept();
101 }
102 103 void QIrrlichtWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event)
104 {
105 if(device != 0)
106     {
107 dimension2d<u32> widgetSize;
108 widgetSize.Width = event->size().width();
109 widgetSize.Height = event->size().height();
110 device->getVideoDriver()->OnResize(widgetSize);
111 112 ICameraSceneNode *cam = device->getSceneManager()->getActiveCamera();
113 if (cam != 0)
114         {
115 cam->setAspectRatio((f32)widgetSize.Height / (f32)widgetSize.Width);
116         }
117     }
118 119 QWidget::resizeEvent(event);
120 }
121 122 void QIrrlichtWidget::updateIrrlicht( irr::IrrlichtDevice* device )
123 {
124 if(device != 0)
125     {
126 device->getTimer()->tick();
127 128 SColor color (255,100,100,140);
129 130 device->getVideoDriver()->beginScene(true, true, color);
131 device->getSceneManager()->drawAll();
132 device->getVideoDriver()->endScene();
133     }
134 135 }
136 137 // Include the extra Qt file for signals and slots 138 #include "moc_QIrrlichtWidget.cpp"


我的仙人球的主页 我的仙人球 | 初学一级 | 园豆:199
提问于:2012-04-13 12:31
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