create or replace type smpl_metadata as object ( tmp_click_num int, tmp_reach_num int, tmp_trigger_num int ); create or replace type smpl_metadata_table as table of smpl_metadata; create or replace function fn_test ( v_startdate in varchar2, v_enddate in varchar2 )return smpl_metadata_table pipelined is results smpl_metadata_table := smpl_metadata_table(); count1 int; count2 int; count3 int; CURSOR c IS select alliance.alliance_name as alliance_name, click.alliance_id as alliance_id, click.site_id as site_id, click.game_id as game_id, game.game_name as game_name, click.server_id as server_id, server.GSERVER_NAME as game_serve, click.material_id as material_id, material.MATERIAL_NAME as material_id_name, alliance.ALLIANCE_PRICE as price, alliance.input_alliance_time as alliance_time, game.input_game_time as game_time, server.input_gserver_time as server_time, material.input_material_time as material_time from wm_click click, wm_input_alliance alliance, wm_input_game game, wm_input_gserver server, wm_input_material material where click.create_date > to_date(v_startdate, 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24') and click.create_date < to_date(v_enddate, 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24') and click.material_id = material.mid and click.alliance_id = alliance.aid and click.game_id = game.gid and click.server_id = server.gsid and game.gid = server.gid group by alliance.alliance_name, alliance.ALLIANCE_PRICE, click.alliance_id, click.site_id, click.game_id, click.server_id, click.material_id, game.game_name, server.GSERVER_NAME, material.MATERIAL_NAME, alliance.input_alliance_time, game.input_game_time, server.input_gserver_time, material.input_material_time; --定义记录变量 v_records c%ROWTYPE; begin OPEN c; LOOP FETCH c INTO v_records; EXIT WHEN c%NOTFOUND; IF c%FOUND THEN select count(ip) into count1 from (select ip from wm_click click where click.create_date > to_date(v_startdate, 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24') and click.create_date < to_date(v_enddate, 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24') and click.alliance_id = v_records.alliance_id and click.site_id = v_records.site_id and click.material_id = v_records.material_id and click.game_id = v_records.game_id and click.server_id = v_records.server_id group by click.ip); --到达量 select count(ip) into count2 from (select reach.ip from wm_reach reach where reach.create_date > to_date(v_startdate, 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24') and reach.create_date < to_date(v_enddate, 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24') and reach.alliance_id = v_records.alliance_id and reach.site_id = v_records.site_id and reach.material_id = v_records.material_id and reach.game_id = v_records.game_id and reach.server_id = v_records.server_id group by reach.ip); --触发量 --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_records.alliance_id ||','|| v_records.site_id||','|| v_records.material_id||','|| v_records.game_id||','|| v_records.server_id); select count(ip) into count3 from (select trig.ip from wm_trigger trig where trig.create_date > to_date(v_startdate, 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24') and trig.create_date < to_date(v_enddate, 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24') and trig.alliance_id = v_records.alliance_id and trig.site_id = concat(v_records.site_id, '') and trig.material_id = v_records.material_id and trig.game_id = v_records.game_id and trig.server_id = v_records.server_id group by trig.ip); results :=smpl_metadata_table(); results.extend; results(results.count).tmp_click_num := count1; results(results.count).tmp_reach_num := count2; results(results.count).tmp_trigger_num := count3; return(results); end if; end loop; end fn_test;