create function [dbo].[SplitString] ( @Input nvarchar(max), @Separator nvarchar(max)=',', @RemoveEmptyEntries bit=1 ) returns @TABLE table ( [Id] int identity(1,1), [Value] nvarchar(max) ) as begin declare @Index int, @Entry nvarchar(max) set @Index = charindex(@Separator,@Input) while (@Index>0) begin set @Entry=ltrim(rtrim(substring(@Input, 1, @Index-1))) if (@RemoveEmptyEntries=0) or (@RemoveEmptyEntries=1 and @Entry<>'') begin insert into @TABLE([Value]) Values(@Entry) end set @Input = substring(@Input, @Index+datalength(@Separator)/2, len(@Input)) set @Index = charindex(@Separator, @Input) end set @Entry=ltrim(rtrim(@Input)) if (@RemoveEmptyEntries=0) or (@RemoveEmptyEntries=1 and @Entry<>'') begin insert into @TABLE([Value]) Values(@Entry) end return end
CREATE proc [dbo].[P_2Z2] @LotteryNumber varchar(50), @CheckNumber varchar(50), @Pos varchar(50), @num int output as set @num=0 declare @num1 varchar(20) declare @num2 varchar(20) if @Pos='L' begin set @num1=( select [value] from [dbo].[SplitString](@LotteryNumber, ',',0) where id=1) set @num2= (select [value] from [dbo].[SplitString](@LotteryNumber, ',',0) where id=2) set @LotteryNumber=@num1+','+@num2 end declare @levelv int set @levelv=(select COUNT( [value]) from [dbo].[SplitString](@LotteryNumber, ',',0)) if @levelv=3 and @Pos='R' begin set @num1= (select [value] from [dbo].[SplitString](@LotteryNumber, ',',0) where id=2) set @num2= (select [value] from [dbo].[SplitString](@LotteryNumber, ',',0) where id=3) set @LotteryNumber=@num1+','+@num2 end if @Pos='R' begin set @num1=( select [value] from [dbo].[SplitString](@LotteryNumber, ',',0) where id=3) set @num2= (select [value] from [dbo].[SplitString](@LotteryNumber, ',',0) where id=4) set @LotteryNumber=@num1+','+@num2 end declare @t2value1 varchar(20)=(select [value] from [dbo].[SplitString](@LotteryNumber, ',',0) where id=1) declare @t2value2 varchar(20)=(select [value] from [dbo].[SplitString](@LotteryNumber, ',',0) where id=2) if @t2value1 != @t2value2 begin declare @s int set @s = 1 declare @levelm int set @levelm = (select COUNT(*) from [dbo].[SplitString](@CheckNumber, '#',0)) while @s<= @levelm begin declare @value1 varchar(20)=(select [value] from [dbo].[SplitString](@CheckNumber, '#',0) where id=@s) declare @t1value1 varchar(20)=(select [value] from [dbo].[SplitString](@value1, ',',0) where id=1) declare @t1value2 varchar(20)=(select [value] from [dbo].[SplitString](@value1, ',',0) where id=2) if charindex(@t2value1,@t1value1)!=0 and charindex(@t2value2,@t1value2)!=0 begin set @num=@num+1 end set @s=@s+1 end end
set @num1=( select [value] from [dbo].[SplitString](@LotteryNumber, ',',0) where id=1) set @num2= (select [value] from [dbo].[SplitString](@LotteryNumber, ',',0) where id=2)
public static int P_2Z2(string LotteryNumber, string CheckNumber, string Pos) { int num = 0; string[] strArray = LotteryNumber.Split(new[] { ',' }); if (Pos == "L") { LotteryNumber = strArray[0] + "," + strArray[1]; } if (LotteryNumber.Split(new[] { ',' }).Length == 3) { if (Pos == "R") { LotteryNumber = strArray[1] + "," + strArray[2]; } } else if (Pos == "R") { LotteryNumber = strArray[3] + "," + strArray[4]; } string[] strArray2 = LotteryNumber.Split(new[] { ',' }); string[] strArray3 = CheckNumber.Split(new[] { '#' }); if (strArray2[0] != strArray2[1]) { for (int i = 0; i < strArray3.Length; i++) { if ((strArray3[i].IndexOf(strArray2[0]) != -1) && (strArray3[i].IndexOf(strArray2[1]) != -1)) { num++; } } } return num; }
定义一个临时表变量,把函数的返回值插入到临时表变量中,最后返回表中所有数据,再到程序中 拼接或分割
在临时表中怎么声明临时表变量,怎么使用 ?(你确定不是声明的临时表)
定义表变量,与定义变量一样的,往里插入数据 insert into @tableTemp select [value] from [dbo].[SplitString](@LotteryNumber, ',',0) where id=1
select * into #临时表 from [dbo].[SplitString](@LotteryNumber, ',',0)