#region 判断扫描数据是否合法数据,返回标签类型 ///<summary> ///判断扫描数据是否合法数据,返回标签类型 ///</summary> ///<param name="strScan">返回标签类型</param> ///<returens>标签类型</returns> public string myScanData(string strScan) { ...... } #endregion 用Stylecop扫描,提示: The documentation text within the summary tag does not contain any whitespace between words,indicating that it most likely does not follow a proper grammatical structure required for documentation text. The documentation text within the param tag must be at least 10 characters in length. Documentation failing to meet this guideline most likely does not follow a proper grammatical structure required for documentation text.
因为项目必须用stylecop. 所以没办法啊, 这个问题需要怎么fix呢?
/// <summary> /// 任务编号:010 /// 服务器端---- /// 报文编号: /// </summary>