//辅助函数 function $(id){return document.getElementByIdx(id)}; var Plot = { //画布,所有被画出来的元素都append到这个container container: null, //原点x ox: 500, //原点y oy: 300, //坐标颜色 baseLineColor: 'black', //画笔颜色 brushColor: 'red', //画笔粗细 brushWeight: 1, //baseLineX,baseLineY保存坐标线,用于坐标移位 baseLineX: null, baseLineY: null, //初始化方法,设置画布,原点位置,坐标线颜色,画笔颜色,画笔粗细 init: function(containerId, ox, oy, baseLineColor,brushColor,brushWeight){ if($(containerId)){ Plot.container = $(containerId); } else{ alert('You should specify an element in which you can draw plot!'); return; } if((typeof ox)=='number'){ Plot.ox = ox; } if((typeof oy)=='number'){ Plot.oy = oy; } Plot.baseLineColor = baseLineColor; Plot.brushColor = brushColor; Plot.brushWeight = brushWeight; Plot.drawCoordinate(); }, //设置原点函数 setOPoint: function(ox,oy){ Plot.ox = ox; Plot.oy = oy; Plot.container.removeChild(Plot.baseLineX); Plot.container.removeChild(Plot.baseLineY); Plot.drawCoordinate(); }, //设置画笔粗细函数 setBrushWeight: function(weight){ Plot.brushWeight = weight; }, setBrushColor: function(color){ Plot.brushColor = color; }, //画坐标线 drawCoordinate: function(){ var baseLineX = document.createElement_x('div'); baseLineX.style.position = "absolute"; baseLineX.style.left = 0; baseLineX.style.top = Plot.oy; baseLineX.style.fontSize = '1px'; baseLineX.style.height = '1px'; baseLineX.style.width = '100%'; baseLineX.style.overflow = 'hidden' baseLineX.style.backgroundColor = Plot.baseLineColor; Plot.container.appendChild(baseLineX); Plot.baseLineX = baseLineX; var baseLineY = document.createElement_x('div'); baseLineY.style.position = "absolute"; baseLineY.style.left = Plot.ox; baseLineY.style.top = 0; baseLineY.style.fontSize = '1px'; baseLineY.style.height = '100%'; baseLineY.style.width = '1px'; baseLineY.style.overflow = 'hidden' baseLineY.style.backgroundColor = Plot.baseLineColor; Plot.baseLineY = baseLineY; Plot.container.appendChild(baseLineY); }, //清理画布,移走所有对象 clean: function(){ Plot.container.innerHTML =""; Plot.drawCoordinate(); }, //画点,相对原点 drawDot: function(x,y){ var dot = document.createElement_x('div'); dot.style.left = Plot.ox + x + 'px'; dot.style.top = Plot.oy - y + 'px'; dot.style.height = Plot.brushWeight; dot.style.width = Plot.brushWeight; dot.style.position = 'absolute'; dot.style.fontSize = '1px'; dot.style.backgroundColor = Plot.brushColor; dot.style.overflow = "hidden"; Plot.container.appendChild(dot); dot = null; }, //sin函数曲线,传入角度,比如90,180,360 sin: function(angle){ for(var i=0; i<angle; i++){ Plot.drawDot(i,Math.sin(i/180*Math.PI)*100); } }, //tan函数曲线 tan: function(){ for(var i=0; i<720; i++){ if(Math.tan(i/180*Math.PI)*100>Plot.oy){ continue; } Plot.drawDot( i, Math.tan(i/180*Math.PI)*50 ); } }, //cos函数曲线,传入角度,比如90,180,360 cos: function(angle){ for(var i=0; i<angle; i++){ Plot.drawDot(i,Math.cos(i/180*Math.PI)*100); } }, //画线从(x0,y0)到(x1,y1) line: function(x0,y0,x1,y1){ //竖线 if((x1-x0)==0){ for( var i=((y1>y0)?y0:y1); i<((y1>y0)?y1:y0); i++ ){ Plot.drawDot(x1, i); } return; } //横线 if((y1-y0)==0){ for( var i=((x1>x0)?x0:x1); i<((x1>x0)?x1:x0); i++ ){ Plot.drawDot(i, y1); } return; } //斜线 //k=斜率,直线方程为y=kx + b var k = (y1-y0)/(x1-x0); if(k<=1){ for(var i=((x1>x0)?x0:x1); i<((x1>x0)?x1:x0); i++){ Plot.drawDot(i, k*i+y1-k*x1 ); } } else{ for(var i=((y1>y0)?y0:y1); i<((y1>y0)?y1:y0); i++){ Plot.drawDot((i-y1+k*x1)/k,i); } } return; }, //画圆,radius是半径,(xi,yi)为圆心 circle: function(radius,xi, yi){ if((typeof xi)=='undefined'){ xi = 0; } if((typeof yi)=='undefined'){ yi = 0; } //i为角度,从0到360 var i=0; while(i<360){ var _x0 = Math.sin(i/180*Math.PI)*radius; var _y0 = Math.cos(i/180*Math.PI)*radius; var step = radius/100; //随着半径的增大,划出来的圆周断断续续,下面的做法 //使画圆周的点数随着半径的增大而增大,使画出来的圆周更圆润. if(1/step>1){ step = 1; } else if(1/step<0.2){ step = 0.2; } else{ step = 1/step; } Plot.drawDot(_x0+xi, _y0+yi); i = i+ step; } }, //画多边形,传入一个点列 polygon: function(dots){ if(typeof dots=='undefined'){ alert('you should specify some dots to draw!'); return; } if(dots.constructor!=Array){ alert('you should specify some dots to draw!'); return; } for(var i=0; i<dots.length-1; i++){ Plot.line(dots[i].x,dots[i].y, dots[i+1].x,dots[i+1].y); if(i==1&&dots.length==2){ break; } } Plot.line(dots[0].x, dots[0].y, dots[dots.length-1].x, dots[dots.length-1].y); } };
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> <div id="div1" style="width:500px; height:500px;border:1px dotted gray; position:absolute;"> </div> <script> //辅助函数 function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id) }; var Plot = { //画布,所有被画出来的元素都append到这个container container: null, //原点x ox: 500, //原点y oy: 300, //坐标颜色 baseLineColor: 'black', //画笔颜色 brushColor: 'red', //画笔粗细 brushWeight: 1, //baseLineX,baseLineY保存坐标线,用于坐标移位 baseLineX: null, baseLineY: null, //初始化方法,设置画布,原点位置,坐标线颜色,画笔颜色,画笔粗细 init: function (containerId, ox, oy, baseLineColor, brushColor, brushWeight) { if ($(containerId)) { Plot.container = $(containerId); } else { alert('You should specify an element in which you can draw plot!'); return; } if ((typeof ox) == 'number') { Plot.ox = ox; } if ((typeof oy) == 'number') { Plot.oy = oy; } Plot.baseLineColor = baseLineColor; Plot.brushColor = brushColor; Plot.brushWeight = brushWeight; Plot.drawCoordinate(); }, //设置原点函数 setOPoint: function (ox, oy) { Plot.ox = ox; Plot.oy = oy; Plot.container.removeChild(Plot.baseLineX); Plot.container.removeChild(Plot.baseLineY); Plot.drawCoordinate(); }, //设置画笔粗细函数 setBrushWeight: function (weight) { Plot.brushWeight = weight; }, setBrushColor: function (color) { Plot.brushColor = color; }, //画坐标线 drawCoordinate: function () { var baseLineX = document.createElement('div'); baseLineX.style.position = "absolute"; baseLineX.style.left = 0; baseLineX.style.top = Plot.oy; baseLineX.style.fontSize = '1px'; baseLineX.style.height = '1px'; baseLineX.style.width = '100%'; baseLineX.style.overflow = 'hidden' baseLineX.style.backgroundColor = Plot.baseLineColor; Plot.container.appendChild(baseLineX); Plot.baseLineX = baseLineX; var baseLineY = document.createElement('div'); baseLineY.style.position = "absolute"; baseLineY.style.left = Plot.ox; baseLineY.style.top = 0; baseLineY.style.fontSize = '1px'; baseLineY.style.height = '100%'; baseLineY.style.width = '1px'; baseLineY.style.overflow = 'hidden' baseLineY.style.backgroundColor = Plot.baseLineColor; Plot.baseLineY = baseLineY; Plot.container.appendChild(baseLineY); }, //清理画布,移走所有对象 clean: function () { Plot.container.innerHTML = ""; Plot.drawCoordinate(); }, //画点,相对原点 drawDot: function (x, y) { var dot = document.createElement('div'); dot.style.left = Plot.ox + x + 'px'; dot.style.top = Plot.oy - y + 'px'; dot.style.height = Plot.brushWeight; dot.style.width = Plot.brushWeight; dot.style.position = 'absolute'; dot.style.fontSize = '1px'; dot.style.backgroundColor = Plot.brushColor; dot.style.overflow = "hidden"; Plot.container.appendChild(dot); dot = null; }, //sin函数曲线,传入角度,比如90,180,360 sin: function (angle) { for (var i = 0; i < angle; i++) { Plot.drawDot(i, Math.sin(i / 180 * Math.PI) * 100); } }, //tan函数曲线 tan: function () { for (var i = 0; i < 720; i++) { if (Math.tan(i / 180 * Math.PI) * 100 > Plot.oy) { continue; } Plot.drawDot(i, Math.tan(i / 180 * Math.PI) * 50); } }, //cos函数曲线,传入角度,比如90,180,360 cos: function (angle) { for (var i = 0; i < angle; i++) { Plot.drawDot(i, Math.cos(i / 180 * Math.PI) * 100); } }, //画线从(x0,y0)到(x1,y1) line: function (x0, y0, x1, y1) { //竖线 if ((x1 - x0) == 0) { for (var i = ((y1 > y0) ? y0 : y1) ; i < ((y1 > y0) ? y1 : y0) ; i++) { Plot.drawDot(x1, i); } return; } //横线 if ((y1 - y0) == 0) { for (var i = ((x1 > x0) ? x0 : x1) ; i < ((x1 > x0) ? x1 : x0) ; i++) { Plot.drawDot(i, y1); } return; } //斜线 //k=斜率,直线方程为y=kx + b var k = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0); if (k <= 1) { for (var i = ((x1 > x0) ? x0 : x1) ; i < ((x1 > x0) ? x1 : x0) ; i++) { Plot.drawDot(i, k * i + y1 - k * x1); } } else { for (var i = ((y1 > y0) ? y0 : y1) ; i < ((y1 > y0) ? y1 : y0) ; i++) { Plot.drawDot((i - y1 + k * x1) / k, i); } } return; }, //画圆,radius是半径,(xi,yi)为圆心 circle: function (radius, xi, yi) { if ((typeof xi) == 'undefined') { xi = 0; } if ((typeof yi) == 'undefined') { yi = 0; } //i为角度,从0到360 var i = 0; while (i < 360) { var _x0 = Math.sin(i / 180 * Math.PI) * radius; var _y0 = Math.cos(i / 180 * Math.PI) * radius; var step = radius / 100; //随着半径的增大,划出来的圆周断断续续,下面的做法 //使画圆周的点数随着半径的增大而增大,使画出来的圆周更圆润. if (1 / step > 1) { step = 1; } else if (1 / step < 0.2) { step = 0.2; } else { step = 1 / step; } Plot.drawDot(_x0 + xi, _y0 + yi); i = i + step; } }, //画多边形,传入一个点列 polygon: function (dots) { if (typeof dots == 'undefined') { alert('you should specify some dots to draw!'); return; } if (dots.constructor != Array) { alert('you should specify some dots to draw!'); return; } for (var i = 0; i < dots.length - 1; i++) { Plot.line(dots[i].x, dots[i].y, dots[i + 1].x, dots[i + 1].y); if (i == 1 && dots.length == 2) { break; } } Plot.line(dots[0].x, dots[0].y, dots[dots.length - 1].x, dots[dots.length - 1].y); } }; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> //初始化 Plot.init('div1', 250, 250, 'black', 'black', '1px'); //画圈圈 Plot.circle(40, 50, -50); //画sin曲线 for (var angle = 90; angle <= 720; angle += 90) { Plot.sin(angle); } //画折线 Plot.polygon([ { x: -100, y: -100 }, { x: 100, y: -100 }, { x: 100, y: 100 }, { x: 50, y: -50 }, { x: 75, y: -25 } ]); </script> </body> </html>