经过我的研究,此效果已经实现了。在ie9-11, chrome,火狐测试,没问题。但是在ie6-8测试,图片是直接切换的,没有渐变效果。我在 js 中弹出当前图片的 opacity,值是0,但依然能看见它,不知是为什么……代码中的这行,我给注释掉了。高手帮忙看看怎么解决!
我把样式、脚本、html 贴上来:
window.onload=function(){ (function () { //先设置两个简洁函数获取ID,设置透明度 var $ = function () { var elements = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var element = arguments[i]; if (typeof element == 'string') element = document.getElementById(element); if (!element) continue; if (arguments.length == 1) return element; elements.push(element); } return elements; }; var setOpacity = function (node, level) { node = $(node); if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ node.style.opacity = level / 100; //非 ie6 } else{ node.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + level + ')'; } }; var getTag = function (child, parent) { return parent.getElementsByTagName(child); }; var bindEvent = function (element, type, func) { if (element.addEventListener) { //for FF, chrome element.addEventListener(type, func, false); //false 表示冒泡 } else if (element.attachEvent) { //for ie element.attachEvent('on' + type, func); } else { element['on' + type] = func; } }; function css(obj, name, value){ if (arguments.length==2){ return obj.style[name]; } else { return obj.style[name]=value; } }; function Slider(options) { var id = options.id; var warper = this.warper = $(id); //获取包裹图片DOM(第一个UL的ID) var warpLis = this.warpLis = getTag("li", warper); //获取包裹下的LI子元素 var that=this; //指代构造函数 this.no = warpLis.length; //获取包裹LI元素的个数 this.step = options.step || 2; this.autoTime = options.autoTime || 1000; //自动播放间隔时间 this.btnId = options.btnId || "focus_btn"; //图片上面的数字按钮的ID this.btnCls=options.btnCls; this.index = 1; //开始变幻时的下一个INDEX this.preIndex = 0; //鼠标悬停,停止播放 this.warper.parentNode.onmouseover=function(){ that.stopPlay(that.index); }; //鼠标移出,开启播放 this.warper.parentNode.onmouseout=function(){ that.autoPlay(); }; this.init(); }; Slider.prototype = { init:function () { this.makeBtn(this.no, this.btnId, this.btnCls); this.autoPlay(); }, makeBtn:function (no, c, cls) { //生成按钮 no表示个数 C表示oL的ID var btnOl = this.btnOl = document.createElement("ol"); btnOl.id = c; btnOl.className=cls; for (var i = 0; i < no; i++) { var li = document.createElement('li'); if (i == 0) li.className = 'on'; var text = document.createTextNode(i + 1); li.appendChild(text); setOpacity(li, 80); // 绑定鼠标事件,传递当前的INDEX和preIndex bindEvent(li, 'mouseover', function (obj, t) { return function () { obj.mouseOn.call(obj, t); }; }(this, i)); btnOl.appendChild(li); }; this.warper.parentNode.appendChild(btnOl); //添加到父div下 }, autoPlay:function(){ var that = this; // 执行播放 clearTimeout(this.T1); this.T1 = setTimeout(function(){that.fadeIn(that.index)},that.autoTime); }, fadeIn:function(index){ var thisObj = this.warpLis[index]; var thisOpacity = 0; //当前透明度从0渐入 var that = this; // 底部按钮的同步,与当前的图层Z-index始终在上面 var btnLi = getTag('li', this.btnOl); for (var i = 0, n = btnLi.length; i < n; i++) { btnLi[i].className = ''; // 移除所有的Zindex this.warpLis[i].style.zIndex = ''; }; //在改变INDEX之前先设置透明度为0 setOpacity(thisObj, 0); // 设置前一个图片的Zindex this.warpLis[that.preIndex].style.zIndex = 2001; // 设置当前图片的Zindex thisObj.style.zIndex = 2002; //alert(css(thisObj, 'opacity')); btnLi[index].className = 'on'; //淡入动画 if(that.T2)clearInterval(that.T2); this.T2 = setInterval(function(){ setOpacity(thisObj,thisOpacity++); //设置透明度渐入 if(thisOpacity == 100){ thisOpacity = 0; clearInterval(that.T2); that.T2 = null; that.preIndex = that.index++; if(that.index == that.no)that.index = 0; that.autoPlay(); } },10); }, mouseOn:function(index){ clearTimeout(this.T1); //鼠标移入按钮,暂停自动播放 this.index = index; this.fadeIn(index); }, //鼠标悬停,停止播放 stopPlay: function(index){ if(this.T2){ var thisObj = this.warpLis[index]; var that = this; var nowOpa=css(thisObj, 'opacity')*100; clearInterval(that.T2); that.T2 = setInterval(function(){ setOpacity(thisObj, nowOpa++); //设置透明度渐入 if(nowOpa == 100){ var thisOpacity = 0; clearInterval(that.T2); that.T2 = null; that.preIndex = that.index++; if(that.index == that.no)that.index = 0; clearTimeout(this.T1); } },10); } else{ clearTimeout(this.T1); } } }; var slider1 = new Slider({ id:'focus_pic', /**包裹图片的UL的ID**/ btnId:"focus_btn", //幻灯片按钮的ID,可以用来控制CSS显示 btnCls: 'play-n', //step:5, //透明度变化步长,默认为2 autoTime:2000//自动播放间隔时间 }); })(); };
body,div,dl,dt,dd,ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,code,form,fieldset,legend,input,p,blockquote,th,td,hr,button,article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,menu,nav,section { margin: 0; padding: 0; } menu, ol, ul, dd { list-style: none; } img { border: 0; } html { font-family: "微软雅黑", tahoma, arial, \5b8b\4f53, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } body { color: #666; line-height: 1.5; } .main { width: 980px; margin: 0 auto; } .play { position: relative; z-index: 1000; margin: 0 auto 30px; zoom: 1; height: 340px; overflow: hidden; } .play-b li { position: absolute; z-index: 2000; left: 0; top: 0; } .play-n { position: absolute; z-index: 5000; right: 5px; bottom: 5px; height: 25px; } .play-n li { float: left; width: 25px; line-height: 25px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background: white; margin-right: 2px; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; } .play-n li.on { background-color: #5C9C4E; color: white; }
<div class="main"> <div class="play"> <ul id="focus_pic" class="play-b"> <li style="z-index: 2002;"> <a href="#"><img alt="焦点图-0" src="images/qzkxy_play-0.jpg" width="980" height="340" /></a> </li> <li> <a href="#"><img alt="焦点图-1" src="images/qzkxy_play-1.jpg" width="980" height="340" /></a> </li> <li> <a href="#"><img alt="焦点图-2" src="images/qzkxy_play-2.jpg" width="980" height="340" /></a> </li> </ul> </div> </div>
如果是暂停状态,你别 // 执行播放
@zanetti: 你这个代码就不行放在jsbin上面?
@刘宏玺: 我以前很少用 jsbin,这次放上去了。
是啊,可能是因为 ie6-8 不兼容 opacity 属性吧。