首先数据库日期格式是:2015/5/14 星期四 下午 2:58:27 //无法修改格式,也没有dba权限
<select id="userGraph" parameterType="java.util.HashMap"
resultMap="UserliebiaoUserMap"> ↓→//4,2 截取的下标
select count(*) as visitorId,substr(u.createddate,${dmType}) as createddate
from PT_USER u,pt_userinfo i
where u.userinfoids = i.ids
<if test="beginTime !=null and beginTime !=''"> ↓→//前台传过来的开始时间
<![CDATA[and substr(u.createddate,0,10) >= #{beginTime}]]>
<if test="overTime !=null and overTime !=''"> //结束时间
<![CDATA[and substr(u.createddate,0,10) <= #{overTime}]]>
<if test="companycode !=null and companycode !=''">
and u.COMPANYCODE = #{companycode}
group by substr(u.createddate, ${dmType})
order by substr(u.createddate, ${dmType}) desc
]]></select> //为了节省空间,所以格式拼在同一行
Cause: java.sql.SQLException: An SQLException was provoked by the following failure: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Timestamp format must be yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.fffffffff]
//如果不截取日期 的年月日,则能正常运行