In my case I needed to actually install Microsoft Report Viewer on the troublesome machine.
Of course, other ones are available, it can be worked out which from the Version=
on the dll which one is needed. In my case I needed version 11 (the 2012 one).
上面的这个哥们的方法可以查看,如果项目中有rdlc的报表,装了查看器可以不报错,正常查看,但是不能添加报表,不能进行开发,还是只有修复安装SSDT 才可以,可以直接进入控制面板,选择修改或者修复,在修复的功能里面选择,Windows和Web开发 下勾上 Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools 勾上这个SSDT 安装就可以了