vs & resharper "control left click " can't use sources from file.
control left click仅仅是vs(不确定到底是vs还是reshaper,总而言之not source)的assembly define。
环境是比较新的vs 2017,resharper 分别尝试 2017.2.1 and 2017.2.2;
查看resharper navigation Setting 正常(contain:"search & navigation","external source");
"Without additional information, I think what happened is that Productivity Power Tools taken over your Ctrl-Click action. You could turn it off from Tools - Options - Productivity Power Tools, and disable Ctrl + Click to Peek Definition."
然vs并未有此项,keyboard设置也未找到control click.
未解中,但在使用过程中也曾貌似出下载过down symbol file 窗口。