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[已解决问题] 浏览: 7299次 解决于 2020-03-09 16:56

最近接到一个项目,之前是使用vue + webpack 写的,立项之前根据之前的业务逻辑写的差不多了,但是现在正式立项,项目经理觉得使用vue+webpack 前后端彻底分离,后端改不了前台,后期不利于维护,维护成本过高,并且是在eclipse里面要启动两个项目,所以准备弃用webpack,所以我现在准备只使用vue,问:我需要准备什么?作为一个只学了vue 半年的半小白,要从哪里入手?怎么去搭建项目?需要怎么做呢????

祁祁的主页 祁祁 | 菜鸟二级 | 园豆:215
提问于:2018-04-01 15:31
< > 人人可用的开源BI工具
  1 <!DOCTYPE html>
  2 <html lang="zh">
  4 <head>
  5     <meta charset="UTF-8">
  6     <title>Todo, Done &amp; Problems</title>
  7     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  8     <link href="https://cdn.bootcss.com/element-ui/1.2.9/theme-default/index.css" rel="stylesheet">
  9     <script src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/vue/2.2.6/vue.min.js"></script>
 10     <script src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/element-ui/1.2.9/index.js"></script>
 11     <style>
 12         p,
 13         body {
 14             margin: 0;
 15             padding: 0;
 16         }
 18         #app {
 19             position: absolute;
 20             margin: auto;
 21             right: 0;
 22             left: 0;
 23         }
 25         .filter {
 26             margin-top: 20px;
 27             margin-bottom: 10px;
 28         }
 30         .el-card {
 31             margin: 0.5rem;
 32         }
 34         .placeholder {
 35             height: 260px;
 36         }
 38         .single-post {
 39             min-width: 320px;
 40         }
 42         .card-header {
 43             position: relative;
 44         }
 46         .card-header-side {
 47             position: absolute;
 48             right: -8px;
 49             top: -8px;
 50         }
 52         span.card-header-side {
 53             color: #48576a;
 54             line-height: 36px;
 55         }
 57         .item-label {
 58             color: #48576a;
 59         }
 61         .item-label:not(:first-child) {
 62             margin-top: 1rem;
 63         }
 65         @media screen and (max-width: 700px) {
 66             .filter {
 67                 margin: 0.5rem;
 68             }
 69             .filter .item-label {
 70                 display: inline-block;
 71             }
 72             .single-post {
 73                 min-width: initial;
 74             }
 75         }
 77         @media screen and (min-width: 700px) {
 78             .filter {
 79                 width: 700px;
 80                 margin-left: calc(50% - 340px);
 81             }
 82             .placeholder {
 83                 width: 320px;
 84             }
 85             .posts {
 86                 display: flex;
 87                 width: 100%;
 88                 flex-wrap: wrap;
 89                 justify-content: center;
 90             }
 91             .single-post {
 92                 max-width: 330px;
 93             }
 94             .new-post {
 95                 width: 600px;
 96                 left: calc(50% - 300px);
 97                 position: relative;
 98             }
 99         }
101         @media screen and (min-width: 1200px) {
102             .filter {
103                 width: 1200px;
104                 margin-left: calc(50% - 600px);
105             }
106             .single-post {
107                 max-width: 400px;
108             }
109             .new-post {
110                 width: 700px;
111                 left: calc(50% - 350px);
112             }
113         }
114     </style>
115 </head>
117 <body>
118     <div id="app">
119         <el-menu mode="horizontal" theme="dark">
120             <el-menu-item index="1">View &amp; Post</el-menu-item>
121         </el-menu>
122         <div class="filter">
123             <span class="item-label">按日期过滤:</span>
124             <el-date-picker v-model="filterDate" align="left" type="date">
125             </el-date-picker>
126             <span class="item-label" v-if="filterDate">共找到 {{selectedRecords.length}} 条记录</span>
127         </div>
128         <div class="posts">
129             <el-card v-if="loadingPosts" v-loading="loadingPosts">
130                 <div class="placeholder"></div>
131             </el-card>
132             <template v-else>
133                 <el-card v-for="r in selectedRecords" class="single-post" :key="r.id">
134                     <div slot="header" class="card-header">
135                         <span class="name">{{r.name}}</span>
136                         <span class="card-header-side">{{r.date.toDateString()}}</span>
137                     </div>
138                     <section>
139                         <p class="item-label">DONE:</p>
140                         <p class="done">{{r.content.done}}</p>
141                         <p class="item-label">TODO:</p>
142                         <p class="todo">{{r.content.todo}}</p>
143                         <p class="item-label">PROBLEM:</p>
144                         <p class="problem">{{r.content.problem}}</p>
145                     </section>
146                 </el-card>
147             </template>
148         </div>
149         <div class="new-post">
150             <el-card v-loading="postingNew">
151                 <div slot="header" class="card-header">
152                     <span>New Post</span>
153                     <el-button type="primary" class="card-header-side" @click="newPost">Go!</el-button>
154                 </div>
155                 <el-form :model="payload" label-width="80px">
156                     <el-form-item label="NAME">
157                         <el-input v-model="payload.name"></el-input>
158                     </el-form-item>
159                     <el-form-item label="DONE">
160                         <el-input type="textarea" v-model="payload.content.done"></el-input>
161                     </el-form-item>
162                     <el-form-item label="TODO">
163                         <el-input type="textarea" v-model="payload.content.todo"></el-input>
164                     </el-form-item>
165                     <el-form-item label="PROBLEM">
166                         <el-input type="textarea" v-model="payload.content.problem"></el-input>
167                     </el-form-item>
168                 </el-form>
169             </el-card>
170         </div>
171     </div>
173     <script>
174         new Vue({
175             el: '#app',
176             data() {
177                 let urlPrefix;
178                 switch (location.protocol) {
179                     case 'file:':
180                         urlPrefix = 'http://report.auto601.com';
181                         break;
182                     case 'http:':
183                     case 'https:':
184                         urlPrefix = ''
185                 }
186                 return {
187                     urlPrefix,
188                     filterDate: null,
189                     records: [],
190                     payload: {
191                         name: '',
192                         content: {
193                             done: '',
194                             todo: '',
195                             problem: ''
196                         }
197                     },
198                     loadingPosts: true,
199                     postingNew: false
200                 };
201             },
202             computed: {
203                 selectedRecords() {
204                     if (!this.filterDate) {
205                         return this.records;
206                     } else {
207                         const start = this.filterDate.getTime();
208                         const end = this.filterDate.getTime() + 24 * 3600 * 1000;
209                         return this.records.filter(i => i.date.getTime() <= end && i.date.getTime() >= start);
210                     }
211                 }
212             },
213             methods: {
214                 clear() {
215                     this.payload = {
216                         name: '',
217                         content: {
218                             done: '',
219                             todo: '',
220                             problem: ''
221                         }
222                     };
223                 }
224                 ,
225                 async getAll() {
226                     this.loadingPosts = true;
227                     try {
228                         this.records = await fetch(`${this.urlPrefix}/api/posts`)
229                             .then(r => r.json())
230                             .then(j => {
231                                 j.forEach(i => i.date = new Date(i.date));
232                                 return j;
233                             });
234                     }
235                     catch (err) {
236                         this.$message.error('Load failed!');
237                     }
238                     this.loadingPosts = false;
239                 },
240                 async getMarkDown(text) {
241                     return await fetch('https://api.github.com/markdown', {
242                         method: 'POST',
243                         body: JSON.stringify({ text, mode: 'gfm' })
244                     }).then(r => r.text());
245                 },
246                 async newPost() {
247                     this.postingNew = true;
248                     const resp = await fetch(`${this.urlPrefix}/api/posts`, {
249                         method: 'POST',
250                         headers: {
251                             'Content-Type': 'application/json'
252                         },
253                         body: JSON.stringify(this.payload)
254                     });
255                     this.postingNew = false;
256                     if (resp.status == 200) {
257                         this.$message.success('Post Success!');
258                         this.clear();
259                     } else {
260                         this.$message.error('Post Failed! Error code: ' + resp.status);
261                     }
262                     this.getAll();
263                 }
264             },
265             created() {
266                 this.getAll();
267             }
268         });
269     </script>
270 </body>
272 </html>
View Code

你可以看看我上面给出的这个 index.html

一个使用 ElementUI + Vue 的单页应用(因为只有一个 Index.html)

当你移除了 Webpack 之后,模块化就不太好实现,如果后端想要不接触 js 模块化相关的内容,你就必须要放弃 Vue 中要使用模块化的功能,就一个页面一个 Vue app,只用 Vue 来渲染 ajax 数据,像什么路由啊之类的都交给后端来做。


简单来说,把 Vue 当作 JQuery 来用就对了。

不如隐茶去 | 小虾三级 |园豆:559 | 2018-04-03 15:55

<script src="//cdn.bootcss.com/vue/2.5.16/vue.min.js"></script>

by.Genesis | 园豆:2824 (老鸟四级) | 2018-04-02 10:10


支持(0) 反对(0) 祁祁 | 园豆:215 (菜鸟二级) | 2018-04-03 15:20