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虚拟主机导入失败 MSSQL 数据库

悬赏园豆:20 [已解决问题] 解决于 2018-11-21 17:38

 上线的时候在  SQL Server 2012 生成了脚本(架构及数据 2008) 进行 在阿里云虚拟主机 导入执行,发现失败了,可在本地SQL 2012 试了几次及在朋友的帮助下也生成了(SqlServer2008)都可以正常,会什么虚拟主机上面就不行呢?求助急。。。。 难道是我哪里没有设置对么?难道有自增长Id么?




















INSERT [dbo].[smf_Article] ([Id], [ClassId], [Title], [Author], [Form], [Keyword], [Description], [Daodu], [ImgUrl], [Content], [Click], [IsMsg], [IsTop], [IsRed], [IsHot], [IsSlide], [IsLock], [AddTime], [Ver], [Filepath], [SubTitle], [BigImgUrl], [IndexImgUrl], [Editor], [SortId], [htmlpath], [Photo], [TemplatePath], [DetaiImgUrl], [Href], [SeoTitle], [SeoKeywords], [SeoDescription], [ArticleType], [Url], [UpdateTime], [Guid], [DescriptionDiy], [RelatedPro], [Keyword2]) VALUES (53, 41, N'梦想者系列', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, CAST(0x0000A7510078E9CE AS DateTime), N'cn', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, N'', NULL, N'', NULL, NULL, N'梦想者系列 -- ROSDN''s official website - Enjoy life with you', N'Rosdn、rosdn wrist watch、rosdn dreamer series、Famous brand watch、rosdn wrist watch brand、Domestic watch、Shenzhen rosdn wrist watch', N'Founded and registered by our brand founder Luo Liqing in 2005, ROSDN is a Chinese star wristwatch brand and a wholly-funded key brand under Shenzhen Ainol Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. As an emerging star of the Chinese wristwatch market, ROSDN has strove to keep improving from design to sales. With a sales network across the country, ROSDN has built a huge consumer base. Thanks to its top ranking brand value, market share and consumer satisfaction among Chinese wristwatch makers, ROSDN has been named as China Famous Brand, one of Top Ten Most Loved Consumer Brands.', 0, NULL, CAST(0x0000A75100FCBEBC AS DateTime), N'5694385e-727a-4506-9688-7e80a5a91b58', NULL, NULL, NULL)

baicexxqtd的主页 baicexxqtd | 初学一级 | 园豆:26
提问于:2018-08-30 16:04
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dudu | 高人七级 |园豆:28548 | 2018-08-30 16:39


你风致 | 园豆:2217 (老鸟四级) | 2018-08-30 16:56