浏览: 2744次
解决于 2008-04-26 12:37
<P> 我用了一天时间好不容易下载下<FONT face=Verdana>Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Suite </FONT>中文版本,在用part1生成ISO文件时,到了part6卷时老是报告,the disk if full ,我用<FONT face=Verdana>eventvwr.msc</FONT>查看下报了如下信息:各位高手帮帮我,出错在哪儿了呀,我的c有还有9G空间,难道都不够用吗,还有好多G空间呢,晕~~~~~~~~~~这个简体中文到底怎末装,麻烦说下,谢了!!!<BR> Extracting VS2008TeamSuite90DayTrialCHSX1429243.iso<BR>Extracting from VS2008TeamSuite90DayTrialCHSX1429243.part2.rar<BR>Extracting from VS2008TeamSuite90DayTrialCHSX1429243.part3.rar<BR>Extracting from VS2008TeamSuite90DayTrialCHSX1429243.part4.rar<BR>Extracting from VS2008TeamSuite90DayTrialCHSX1429243.part5.rar<BR>Extracting from VS2008TeamSuite90DayTrialCHSX1429243.part6.rar<BR>Write error in the file VS2008TeamSuite90DayTrialCHSX1429243.iso. Probably the disk is full </P>
<P><FONT face=Verdana>eventvwr.msc</FONT>查看下报了如下信息:</P>
<P><FONT face=Verdana>Checking file system on C:<BR>The type of the file system is FAT32.</FONT></P><FONT face=Verdana>
<P><BR>One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You<BR>may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended<BR>that you continue.<BR>Windows will now check the disk. <BR>Volume Serial Number is A40C-E73A<BR>The size of the \WINDOWS\Temp\PR3.tmp entry is not valid.<BR>The size of the \WINDOWS\Temp\PRA.tmp entry is not valid.<BR>Windows has made corrections to the file system.<BR> 12277680 KB total disk space.<BR> 673144 KB in 505 hidden files.<BR> 13488 KB in 1594 folders.<BR> 3156280 KB in 17675 files.<BR> 8434760 KB are available.</P>
<P> 8192 bytes in each allocation unit.<BR> 1534710 total allocation units on disk.<BR> 1054345 allocation units available on disk.</FONT></P>