If you are unsure which image to use, pick the DVD image. It allows selecting which components you want to install and contains all packages that can be selected from the GUI installer.
The boot image can be used for doing installs over network. After booting the computer with this image, the installer downloads packages as needed based on selected components from the closest mirror.
xxxx-DVD1.iso 一般这种事完整版
CentOS-8.4.2105-x86_64-boot.iso 只包含最基本的boot引导程序
CentOS-8.4.2105-x86_64-boot.iso.manifest boot依赖列表文件(指定依赖库)
CentOS-8.4.2105-x86_64-boot.torrent boot的 BT 文件
CentOS-8.4.2105-x86_64-dvd1.iso 包含系统和必要软件的完整版(推荐安装)
CentOS-8.4.2105-x86_64-dvd1.iso.manifest 系统与所含软件的依赖列表文件(指定依赖库)
CentOS-8.4.2105-x86_64-dvd1.torrent 完整版 BT 文件