场景:想在cookie中保存一个list<object> 类型的对像,但是cookie中只能存string,我要怎么才能将对象放进去并且取出来以后还是这个对象的类型
可以先把list转换成 JSONarray 再转成string,反之 string转换成 JSONArray再转成list
The rising number of occupations and the more elevated levels of interest, especially in the IT area, is expected to some degree to the quick and to some degree constrained beginning of computerized change that numerous areas needed to go through in the pandemic. The IT area itself became by 18% month-on-month. The Naukri report said, "This exhibits that undertakings are effectively driving their recuperation endeavors and driving development with computerized change at the middle."
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也可以把 ”list<object> 类型的对像“ 这个序列化一下保存在cookie 中,使用的时候然后再反序列化出来就好了