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nginx反代C#接口,post请求间隙出问题, 一会要几秒,一会只要几十毫秒,随着body变大耍变慢,应该如何处理

[待解决问题] 浏览: 279次

最开始以为是C# api接口调用问题,后来定位到nginx反代上,抓nginx日志,看日志分析出来应该是读取body的时候耗时,读取body时,有时会创建临时文件,然后读取临时文件时,每次只能读取到一部分,一直在这种情况下耗时几秒钟,最后才读取完成, 问题是有时快有时慢,不清楚为什么,在电脑cpu很低的情况下都会出现

8192 - 2737 - 1412 - 2824 - 1219
8192 - 1108 - 1412 - 1412 - 1412 - 1412 - 1412 -24



2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 http body new buf t:1 f:0 000055CDDEB29420, pos 000055CDDEB29420, size: 8192 file: 0, size: 0
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 http write client request body, bufs 000055CDDEAF98D8
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 write: 6, 000055CDDEB29420, 8192, 15655
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 recv: fd:4 2737 of 8192
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 http client request body recv 2737
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 http client request body rest 51360
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 event timer: 4, old: 7423435396, new: 7423435396
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 recv: fd:4 1412 of 5455
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 http client request body rest 51360
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 event timer: 4, old: 7423435396, new: 7423435396
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 recv: fd:4 2824 of 4043
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 http client request body recv 2824
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 http client request body rest 51360
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 event timer: 4, old: 7423435396, new: 7423435396
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 recv: fd:4 1219 of 1219
2023/06/11 13:06:59 [debug] 12894#12894: *63298 http client request body recv 1219


2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 864
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http body new buf t:1 f:0 000055CDDEB29420, pos 000055CDDEB29420, size: 8192 file: 0, size: 0
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http write client request body, bufs 000055CDDEB68758
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 write: 6, 000055CDDEB29420, 8192, 50320
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 548 of 8192
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 548
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 31709
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer: 4, old: 7423519523, new: 7423519739
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 7644
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 31709
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer del: 4: 7423519523
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer add: 4: 60000:7423519847
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 6232
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 31709
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer: 4, old: 7423519847, new: 7423519955
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 4820
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 31709
2023/06/11 13:08:23 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer: 4, old: 7423519847, new: 7423520059
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 3408
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 31709
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer del: 4: 7423519847
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer add: 4: 60000:7423520167
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 1996
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 31709
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer: 4, old: 7423520167, new: 7423520275
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 584 of 584
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 584
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http body new buf t:1 f:0 000055CDDEB29420, pos 000055CDDEB29420, size: 8192 file: 0, size: 0
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http write client request body, bufs 000055CDDEB68758
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 write: 6, 000055CDDEB29420, 8192, 58512
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 828 of 8192
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 828
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 23517
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer: 4, old: 7423520167, new: 7423520383
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 7364
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 23517
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer del: 4: 7423520167
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer add: 4: 60000:7423520491
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 5952
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 23517
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer: 4, old: 7423520491, new: 7423520595
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 4540
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 23517
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer: 4, old: 7423520491, new: 7423520703
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 3128
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 23517
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer del: 4: 7423520491
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer add: 4: 60000:7423520811
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 1716
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 23517
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer: 4, old: 7423520811, new: 7423520919
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 304 of 304
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 304
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http body new buf t:1 f:0 000055CDDEB29420, pos 000055CDDEB29420, size: 8192 file: 0, size: 0
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http write client request body, bufs 000055CDDEB68758
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 write: 6, 000055CDDEB29420, 8192, 66704
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1108 of 8192
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1108
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 15325
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer: 4, old: 7423520811, new: 7423521027
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 7084
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 15325
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer del: 4: 7423520811
2023/06/11 13:08:24 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer add: 4: 60000:7423521135
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 5672
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 15325
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer: 4, old: 7423521135, new: 7423521239
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 4260
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 15325
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer: 4, old: 7423521135, new: 7423521347
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 2848
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 15325
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer del: 4: 7423521135
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer add: 4: 60000:7423521455
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 1436
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 15325
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer: 4, old: 7423521455, new: 7423521563
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 24 of 24
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 24
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http body new buf t:1 f:0 000055CDDEB29420, pos 000055CDDEB29420, size: 8192 file: 0, size: 0
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http write client request body, bufs 000055CDDEB68758
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 write: 6, 000055CDDEB29420, 8192, 74896
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1388 of 7133
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1388
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 7133
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer: 4, old: 7423521455, new: 7423521671
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 5745
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 7133
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer del: 4: 7423521455
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer add: 4: 60000:7423521775
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 4333
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 7133
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer: 4, old: 7423521775, new: 7423521883
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 2921
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 7133
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer: 4, old: 7423521775, new: 7423521991
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 1412 of 1509
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body rest 7133
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer del: 4: 7423521775
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 event timer add: 4: 60000:7423522099
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http read client request body
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 recv: fd:4 97 of 97
2023/06/11 13:08:25 [debug] 12894#12894: *63542 http client request body recv 97

油墨路的主页 油墨路 | 菜鸟二级 | 园豆:202
提问于:2023-06-11 12:51

感觉应该是这个连接就是慢连接了,之前有nginx代理时,nginx读取body耗时长, 没有nginx代理就是c#读取body长, 其实还有一层,加了个阿里的负载均衡,我打算把阿里负载均衡取消了再看看

油墨路 1年前
< > 人人可用的开源BI工具

试试修改一下 client_body_buffer_size,参考 Optimizing nginx client_body_buffer_size for web app accepting file uploads

dudu | 园豆:27686 (高人七级) | 2023-06-11 15:25

感谢回复, 我参数到这篇文章, 把反代的buffer搞大,https://www.javatang.com/archives/2020/08/11/22403140.html

proxy_buffering on;
proxy_buffer_size 512k;
proxy_buffers 64 512k;
proxy_busy_buffers_size 1m;



net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0
保存退出,然后执行sysctl -p命令生效。注意:一定要将上面三个参数的值设置为0,而不是将原来的设置注释掉,那样是无法生效的。


支持(0) 反对(0) 油墨路 | 园豆:202 (菜鸟二级) | 2023-06-11 15:31

我把 client_body_buffer_size 512k;设置成这个大小,目前还没有试出来变慢等下再试试

支持(0) 反对(0) 油墨路 | 园豆:202 (菜鸟二级) | 2023-06-11 15:37

刚一段时间没操作后, 又出现变慢的情况

支持(0) 反对(0) 油墨路 | 园豆:202 (菜鸟二级) | 2023-06-11 16:03

还是有问题, 同一个接口, 在同一时间段点的

支持(0) 反对(0) 油墨路 | 园豆:202 (菜鸟二级) | 2023-06-11 16:08

@油墨路: 如果条件允许,建议把 nginx 换成 YARP 验证一下是 nginx 的问题还是网络问题

支持(0) 反对(0) dudu | 园豆:27686 (高人七级) | 2023-06-11 18:54

另外,ningx 有没有配置 keepalive

支持(0) 反对(0) dudu | 园豆:27686 (高人七级) | 2023-06-11 18:54

@dudu: 有一个 keepalive_timeout 65;不知道是不是

支持(0) 反对(0) 油墨路 | 园豆:202 (菜鸟二级) | 2023-06-12 09:36

@dudu: 我看了日志,这次没存临时文件,不过读取的时候依然很慢

支持(0) 反对(0) 油墨路 | 园豆:202 (菜鸟二级) | 2023-06-12 11:33

2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 34851
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer: 4, old: 7502958336, new: 7502958444
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 33439
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer: 4, old: 7502958336, new: 7502958552
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 32027
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer del: 4: 7502958336
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer add: 4: 60000:7502958656
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 30615
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer: 4, old: 7502958656, new: 7502958764
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 29203
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer: 4, old: 7502958656, new: 7502958872
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 27791
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer del: 4: 7502958656
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer add: 4: 60000:7502958976
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 26379
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:22 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer: 4, old: 7502958976, new: 7502959084
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 24967
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer: 4, old: 7502958976, new: 7502959192
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 23555
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer del: 4: 7502958976
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer add: 4: 60000:7502959296
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 22143
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer: 4, old: 7502959296, new: 7502959404
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 20731
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer: 4, old: 7502959296, new: 7502959508
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 19319
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer del: 4: 7502959296
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer add: 4: 60000:7502959616
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 17907
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer: 4, old: 7502959616, new: 7502959724
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 16495
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer: 4, old: 7502959616, new: 7502959828
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 15083
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer del: 4: 7502959616
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer add: 4: 60000:7502959936
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 13671
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer: 4, old: 7502959936, new: 7502960044
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 12259
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:23 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer: 4, old: 7502959936, new: 7502960148
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 10847
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer del: 4: 7502959936
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer add: 4: 60000:7502960256
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 9435
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer: 4, old: 7502960256, new: 7502960364
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 8023
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer: 4, old: 7502960256, new: 7502960472
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 6611
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer del: 4: 7502960256
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer add: 4: 60000:7502960576
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 5199
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer: 4, old: 7502960576, new: 7502960684
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 3787
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer: 4, old: 7502960576, new: 7502960788
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 1412 of 2375
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 1412
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 85683
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer del: 4: 7502960576
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer add: 4: 60000:7502960896
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http run request: "/api/v1/region/evaluate?"
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http read client request body
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 recv: fd:4 963 of 963
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body recv 963
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http body new buf t:1 f:0 000055CE7B1B28D0, pos 000055CE7B1B28D0, size: 85683 file: 0, size: 0
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http client request body rest 0
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 event timer del: 4: 7502960896
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 http init upstream, client timer: 0
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 epoll add event: fd:4 op:3 ev:80002005
2023/06/12 11:12:24 [debug] 2432#2432: *35986 posix_memalign: 000055CE7B17ADD0:4096 @16

支持(0) 反对(0) 油墨路 | 园豆:202 (菜鸟二级) | 2023-06-12 11:36









Technologyforgood | 园豆:7884 (大侠五级) | 2023-06-11 21:33