项目升级到 angular 19 后访问时浏览器控制台出现 monaco-editor 的报错
TypeError: Failed to execute 'fetch' on 'WorkerGlobalScope': Failed to parse URL from /assets/monaco/min/vs/language/html/htmlWorker.js
at A.load (workerMain.js:6:13847)
at n.load (workerMain.js:6:11936)
at r (workerMain.js:8:9341)
at f._loadModule (workerMain.js:8:9469)
at f._resolve (workerMain.js:9:452)
at f.defineModule (workerMain.js:8:5564)
at f._relativeRequire (workerMain.js:8:6188)
at a (workerMain.js:8:8519)
at workerMain.js:29:82407
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at editor.main.js:9:12
monaco-editor 版本是 0.52.0,ngx-monaco-editor-v2 版本是 18.1.0
github 上的相关 issue https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor/issues/4778
– dudu 6小时前