欧洲的量子互联网联盟(QIA)的研究人员2025年3月12日在《自然》(Nature)上发表论文,宣布成功开发出全球首个量子网络操作系统 QNodeOS !
论文链接:An operating system for executing applications on quantum network nodes
QIA 官方报道:QIA researchers create first Operating System for Quantum Networks
"The goal of our research is to bring quantum network technology to all. With QNodeOS we’re taking a big step forward. We’re making it possible – for the first time – to program and execute applications on a quantum network easily"
"Our work also creates a framework opening entirely new areas of quantum computer science research."
QNodeOS 会像 Unix 那样成为量子计算的一个里程碑吗?