select top 12 * from Product where productID not in (select top 12 productID from Product where (productName like '%2612%' or productID in (select productID from Product_Fitting where suitType like '%2612%')) and isAdjust = 0 and [status]=1 ) and (productName like '%2612%' or productID in (select productID from Product_Fitting where suitType like '%2612%')) and isAdjust = 0 and [status]=1
productID in (select productID from Product_Fitting where suitType like '%2612%')) and isAdjust = 0 and [status]=1 ) and (productName like '%2612%' or productID in (select productID from Product_Fitting where suitType like '%2612%')
productID in (select productID from Product_Fitting where suitType like '%2612%')) and isAdjust = 0 and [status]=1 ) and (productName like '%2612%' or productID in (select productID from Product_Fitting where suitType like '%2612%')
isAdjust = 0 and [status]=1 ) and (productName like '%2612%' or productID in (select productID from Product_Fitting where suitType like '%2612%')
2.like后的条件是否只需向右匹配就可以了,这样可以使用索引,具体可以探讨一下需求(productName like '2612%')
3. select * 是否需要显示所有的字段信息,如果不需要,且字段很多的话,尽量只检索有用的字段。
4.通过Left join 的形式,减少多余的where条件与表检索。
select top 12 * from Product P Left Join Product_Fitting PF ON P.productID = PF.productID
where P.productName like '%2612%' AND PF.suitType = like '%2612%'
AND P.isAdjust =0 and P.[Status] = 1
like '%2612%' //like加上左右通配符就会引起全表扫描。
select top 12 * from (select top 24 * from product where **** order by productid) order by productid desc
select count(*) from Product_Fitting where suitType like '%2612%')
select count(*) from Product_Fitting
看看这两个查询的比值是多少,如果很大,例如 30% 那么就没什么优化的余地,如果很小,例如 3% 那么可以尝试这个方法:
create index idx_Product_Fitting_suitType on Product_Fitting(suitType);
select productID from Product_Fitting where suitType in
select suitType from Product_Fitting like '%2612%'
select *
from (
select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY productID) AS FRowIndex,* from Product where productID not in
(select productID from Product_Fitting where suitType like '%2612%')
and productName like '%2612%'
and isAdjust = 0 and [status]=1
)tb where FRowIndex <13
1. 建全文索引
2. 尽量把in换成join
3. 表里尽量少用Null值,如果是Null在做操作的时候用Isnull函数换成非Null值,多写几种等价的SQL,测一下,选最佳的那个。
效率比较,尽量使用INNER JOIN,用ON或者where过滤掉不需要的行
1. Exists比In好.
2. 模糊查询 suitType like '%2612%' SQL优化器无法使用Index