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What's the difference of keyboard Single Byte Character Code and keyboard Double Byte Character Code

[已关闭问题] 关闭于 2011-11-21 00:00

I use jquery code:

only can Capture Single Byte Character input,How can Capture Double Byte Character also. who can help me ? thanks
artwl的主页 artwl | 专家六级 | 园豆:16736
提问于:2011-11-20 23:50
< >

i found that in the keydown event,Single Byte Character code is 188 and Double Byte Character code is 239(other DBC same),in the keyup event,Single Byte Character code and Double Byte Character code all are 188,i change keydown event to keyup event solved it!

artwl | 园豆:16736 (专家六级) | 2011-11-21 00:00