SQL Server 分析和编译时间:
CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,占用时间 = 0 毫秒。
SQL Server 分析和编译时间:
CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,占用时间 = 0 毫秒。
(29 行受影响)
SQL Server 执行时间:
CPU 时间 = 1014 毫秒,占用时间 = 1008 毫秒。
SQL Server 执行时间:
CPU 时间 = 1014 毫秒,占用时间 = 1008 毫秒。
SQL Server 分析和编译时间:
CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,占用时间 = 0 毫秒
set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER proc [dbo].[Expensedetails] @PID int, @PNE nvarchar(64) as with t as ( select Row_Number() OVER ( ORDER by orderdate ASC) rank, a.ID,a.ProjectID,a.ProjectName,a.ProductName,a.OrderDirection,a.OrderDate,sum(a.SubTotal) as SubTotal from ( select a.ID,a.ProjectID,b.ProjectName,a.ProductName,a.OrderDirection,a.OrderDate,a.SubTotal from ( select a.ID,b.ProductName,a.ProjectID,a.OrderDirection,a.OrderDate,a.SubTotal from ( select a.ID,a.ProjectID,b.StandardID,a.OrderDirection,a.OrderDate,b.SubTotal from SteelBusinessOrder a join (select StandardID,sum(SubTotal) as SubTotal,OrderID from SteelBusinessList group by StandardID,OrderID) b on a.ID = b.OrderID ) a join SteelStandard b on a.StandardID = b.ID and b.ProductName = @PNE ) a join SteelProject b on a.ProjectID = b.ID and b.ID = @PID ) a group by a.ID,a.ProjectID,a.ProjectName,a.ProductName,a.OrderDirection,a.OrderDate ),ts as ( select *,uday * surplus as counts from ( select *, (select DATEDIFF(d,(select OrderDate from t a where a.rank = b.rank) ,case when((select min(OrderDate) from t a where a.rank > b.rank ) is null) then dateadd(d,1,getdate()) else (select min(OrderDate) from t a where a.rank>b.rank ) end)) as uday , isnull( isnull((select sum(isnull(SubTotal,0)) from t a where a.rank <= b.rank and OrderDirection = 0),0) - isnull((select sum(isnull(SubTotal,0)) from t a where a.rank <= b.rank and OrderDirection = 1),0) ,0) as surplus from t as b ) a ) select convert(char(10),orderdate,120) as orderdate,productName,(case orderdirection when 0 then '出库' when 1 then '入库' end) as orderdirection,subtotal,surplus,uday,counts,(select SUM(counts) as zsum from ts a where a.rank < = b.rank) as zsum from ts b
ProductName,rank 有没有做索引?
问题找到,就是 最后一句(select SUM(counts) as zsum from ts a where a.rank < = b.rank) as zsum 影响比较大,去掉这个只有100ms,加上这个达到1000ms,应该怎么办呢
SubTotal 和 orderdirection 作索引试试吧
想办法用a.rank < b.rank 代替 a.rank < = b.rank,如:
(select SUM(counts) as zsum from ts a where a.rank < (b.rank+1)) as zsum
你可以考虑考虑 联查
用 inner join
可能比单个表中要快,把过滤效果明显的条件 尽量往前放