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ReferenceError: reference to undefined property this.box
debugg...al code (第 1 行)
ReferenceError: reference to undefined property this.box
debugg...al code (第 1 行)
ReferenceError: reference to undefined property this.box


function ShowPre(o){ var that= this; this.box = $("#"+o["box"]); this.btnP = $("#"+o.Pre); this.btnN= $("#"+o.Next); this.v = o.v||1; this.c = 0; var li_node = "li"; this.loop = o.loop||false; //循环生成dom if(this.loop){ this.li = this.box.find(li_node); this.box.append(this.li.eq(0).clone(true)); }; this.li = this.box.find(li_node); this.l = this.li.length; //滑动条件不成立 if(this.l<=this.v){ this.btnP.hide(); this.btnN.hide(); }; this.deInit = true; this.w = this.li.outerWidth(true); this.box.width(this.w*this.l); this.maxL = this.l - this.v; //要多图滚动 重新计算变量 this.s = o.s||1; if(this.s>1){ this.w = this.v*this.w; this.maxL = Math.floor(this.l/this.v); this.box.width(this.w*(this.maxL+1)); //计算需要添加数量 var addNum = (this.maxL+1)*this.v-this.l; var addHtml = ""; for(var adN = 0;adN < addNum;adN++){ addHtml += "


"; }; this.box.append(addHtml); }; //生成状态图标 this.numIco = null; if(o.numIco){ this.numIco = $("#"+o.numIco); var numHtml = ""; numL = this.loop?(this.l-1):this.l; for(var i = 0;i<numL;i++){ numHtml+=""+i+""; }; this.numIco.html(numHtml); this.numIcoLi = this.numIco.find("a"); this.numIcoLi.bind("click",function(){ if(that.c==$(this).html())return false; that.c=$(this).html(); that.move(); }); }; this.bigBox = null; this.loadNumBox = null; if(o.loadNumBox){ this.loadNumBox = $("#"+o.loadNumBox); }; //当前序号设置 this.allNumBox = null; if(o.loadNumBox){ this.allNumBox = $("#"+o.allNumBox); if(o.bBox){ var cAll = this.l<10?("0"+this.l):this.l; }else{ var cAll = this.maxL<10?("0"+(this.maxL+1)):(this.maxL+1); }; this.allNumBox.html(cAll); }; //大图按钮点击操作 if(o.bBox){ this.bigBox = $("#"+o.bBox); this.li.each(function(n){ $(this).attr("num",n); var cn = (n+1<10) ? ("0"+(n+1)):n+1; $(this).find(".text").html(cn); }); this.loadNum = 0; this.li.bind("click",function(){ if(that.loadNum==$(this).attr("num"))return false; var test = null; if(that.loadNum>$(this).attr("num")){ test = "pre"; }; that.loadNum = $(this).attr("num"); that.loadImg(test); }); that.loadImg(); if(o.bNext){ that.bNext = $("#"+o.bNext); that.bNext.bind("click",function(){ that.loadNum 0? that.loadNum--:that.loadNum=that.l-1 ; that.loadImg("pre"); }); }; }; //滑动点击操作(循环or不循环) if(this.loop){ this.btnP.bind("click",function(){ if(that.c<=0){ that.c = that.l-1; that.box.css({left:-that.c*that.w}); }; that.c --; that.move(1); }); this.btnN.bind("click",function(){ if(that.c>=(that.l-1)){ that.box.css({left:0}); that.c = 0; }; that.c++; that.move(1); }); }else{ this.btnP.bind("click",function(){ that.c> 0? that.c--:that.c=that.maxL ; that.move(1); }); this.btnN.bind("click",function(){ that.c


"); }else{ if(test!="pre"){ var le = -1230; that.bigBox.append("


"); }else{ var le = 1230; that.bigBox.find(".loading").before("


"); that.bigBox.css({"margin-left":-1230}); le = 0; }; }; that.bigBox.animate({"margin-left":le},function(){ $(img).bind("load",function(){ //判断出现方向 if(test!="pre"){ var n = 1,oldN = 0; }else{ var n = 0,oldN = 1; }; that.bigBox.find(".loading").eq(n).html(img); that.bigBox.find(".loading").eq(oldN).remove(); that.bigBox.css({"margin-left":0}); $(this).fadeIn(200,function(){ if(bigTh3){ $("#bigT").fadeIn() bigTh3.html(that.li.eq(that.loadNum).attr("data-h")); }; if(bigTh4){ $("#bigT").fadeIn() bigTh4.html(that.li.eq(that.loadNum).attr("data-m")); }; if(bigText){ bigText.html(that.li.eq(that.loadNum).attr("data-text")).fadeIn(); }; }); }); img.src = _src; }); //添加当前加载序号 that.li.removeClass("on"); that.li.eq(that.loadNum).addClass("on"); if(that.loadNumBox){ var loadC = parseInt(that.loadNum)+1; loadC = loadC<10?"0"+loadC:loadC; that.loadNumBox.html(loadC); }; }, autoPlay:function(){ //自动播放方法 var that =this; that.timer = setInterval(function(){ that.c<that.maxL?that.c++:that.c=0; that.move(); },4000); } }

一点钟方向的主页 一点钟方向 | 初学一级 | 园豆:192
提问于:2013-11-02 11:22
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Zery | 园豆:6151 (大侠五级) | 2013-11-03 11:49


ocean | 园豆:824 (小虾三级) | 2013-11-07 22:34


谦爸 | 园豆:239 (菜鸟二级) | 2013-11-10 07:40