第三方数据库(非SQL Server)存放的日期格式为 DMY -> '03/05/14'
需要通过SSIS 转化
最后存入目标数据库(SQL Server)的日期格式为 YDM -> '2014/05/03'
LEN(tDate) < 1 ? "" : "20" + SUBSTRING(tDate,7,2) + "-" + SUBSTRING(tDate,4,2) + "-" + SUBSTRING(tDate,1,2) + " 00:00:00"
check the field on the SourceComponent by right clicking it, selecting Show Advanced editor -> imput and Output properties -> Expand "Output columns" -> Slect your column and change to the propper data type (usually [DT_DBTIMESTAMP])
select convert(varchar,cast('02/04/14' as datetime),111); --2014/02/04
首先第二种就PASS 了,因为源数据不是SQL SERVER 第一种,这样改变类型达不到目的,所以我就采用SUBSTRING 的方式拼接了