Thu May 22 11:06:25 2014
Exception [type: SIGSEGV, Address not mapped to object] [ADDR:0x78] [PC:0x1CB9312, kkqljpmpr()+30] [flags: 0x0, count: 1]
Errors in file /data/oracle/diag/rdbms/gstddw/gstddw/trace/gstddw_ora_7222.trc (incident=31406):
ORA-07445: 鍑虹幇寮傚父閿欒: 鏍稿績杞偍 [kkqljpmpr()+30] [SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0x78] [PC:0x1CB9312] [Address not mapped to object] []
Incident details in: /data/oracle/diag/rdbms/gstddw/gstddw/incident/incdir_31406/gstddw_ora_7222_i31406.trc
Dump file /data/oracle/diag/rdbms/gstddw/gstddw/incident/incdir_31406/gstddw_ora_7222_i31406.trc
*** 2014-05-22 11:06:25.358 *** SESSION ID:(421.27774) 2014-05-22 11:06:25.358 *** CLIENT ID:() 2014-05-22 11:06:25.358 *** SERVICE NAME:(gstddw) 2014-05-22 11:06:25.358 *** MODULE NAME:(PL/SQL Developer) 2014-05-22 11:06:25.358 *** ACTION NAME:(SQL ´°¿ؠ- with ds_bill_z as ( -) 2014-05-22 11:06:25.358 Dump continued from file: /data/oracle/diag/rdbms/gstddw/gstddw/trace/gstddw_ora_7222.trc ORA-07445: 出现异常错误: 核心转储 [kkqljpmpr()+30] [SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0x78] [PC:0x1CB9312] [Address not mapped to object] []
========= Dump for incident 31406 (ORA 7445 [kkqljpmpr()+30]) ======== ----- Beginning of Customized Incident Dump(s) ----- Exception [type: SIGSEGV, Address not mapped to object] [ADDR:0x78] [PC:0x1CB9312, kkqljpmpr()+30] [flags: 0x0, count: 1] Registers: %rax: 0x00002b12fb550dc0 %rbx: 0x00002b12fb550dc0 %rcx: 0x00000001dccac9c8 %rdx: 0x0000000000000000 %rdi: 0x00002b12fb550dc0 %rsi: 0x0000000000000000 %rsp: 0x00007fffc018bf10 %rbp: 0x00007fffc018bf30 %r8: 0x00002b12fb585470 %r9: 0x0000000000000023 %r10: 0x0000000000000001 %r11: 0x0000000000000000 %r12: 0x00002b12fb56a838 %r13: 0x0000000000000001 %r14: 0x0000000000000000 %r15: 0x00002b12fb550dc0 %rip: 0x0000000001cb9312 %efl: 0x0000000000010202 > (0x1cb9312) mov 0x78(%r14),%rbx (0x1cb9316) test %r15,%r15 (0x1cb9319) jz 0x1cb94df (0x1cb931f) test %r14,%r14 (0x1cb9322) jz 0x1cb94df
*** 2014-05-22 11:06:25.361 dbkedDefDump(): Starting a non-incident diagnostic dump (flags=0x3, level=3, mask=0x0) ----- Current SQL Statement for this session (sql_id=btrgaqtvm9713) ----- with ds_bill_z as ( --上行数据:81438行 select id, bid, backsign, backsigntime, cids, chargestatus, cpstatus, ctime, flag, flowstatus, gid, goalcode, linkid, money, ordercode, pid, realordercode, sendsign, sendsigntime, serialnum, sign, sqnum, telephone, utime from ds_bill a where a.sign = 1 and to_char(a.ctime, 'yyyymmdd') >= 20140501 and to_char(a.ctime, 'yyyymmdd') <= 20140521 union all --下行数据:61124行 select,, x.backsign, x.backsigntime, x.cids, x.chargestatus, x.cpstatus, s.ctime, --上行时间,将下行数据与之对应的上行数据的时间进行统一 x.flag, x.flowstatus, x.gid, x.goalcode, x.linkid,, x.ordercode,, x.realordercode, x.sendsign, x.sendsigntime, x.serialnum, x.sign, x.sqnum, x.telephone, x.utime from (select a.* from ds_bill a where a.sign = 1 and to_char(a.ctime, 'yyyymmdd') >= 20140501 and to_char(a.ctime, 'yyyymmdd') <= 20140521) s, --上行:81438 (select a.* from ds_bill a where a.sign = 2 and to_char(a.ctime, 'yyyymmdd') >= 20140501 and to_char(a.ctime, 'yyyymmdd') <= to_char(to_date(20140521, 'yyyymmdd') + 3, 'yyyymmdd') --下行:61124 ) x --上行关联下行:61124 where s.serialnum = x.serialnum) select date_id as 时间, cp_name as CP名称, flag as 运营商名称, sum(sx) as 上行, sum(xx) as 下行, sum(u_count) as 用户数, sum(money) as 收入 from (select to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') as date_id, '所有' as cp_name, '所有' as flag, 0 as sx, 0 as xx, count(distinct a.telephone) as u_count, sum( as money from ds_bill_z a where a.backsign = 0 and to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') >= 20140501 and to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') <= 20140521 group by to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') union all select to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') as date_id, '所有' as cp_name, '所有' as flag, count(a.telephone) as sx, 0 as xx, 0 as u_count, 0 as money from ds_bill_z a where a.sign = 1 -- 上行 and to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') >= 20140501 and to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') <= 20140521 group by to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') union all select to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') as date_id, '所有' as cp_name, '所有' as flag, 0 as sx, count(a.telephone) as xx, 0 as u_count, 0 as money from ds_bill_z a where a.sign = 2 -- 下行 and a.backsign = 0 and to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') >= 20140501 and to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') <= 20140521 group by to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd')) group by date_id, cp_name, flag order by date_id
----- Call Stack Trace ----- calling call entry argument values in hex location type point (? means dubious value) -------------------- -------- -------------------- ---------------------------- skdstdst()+36 call kgdsdst() 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 2B12FB0F3118 ? 000000001 ? 2B12FB0F7618 ? 000000000 ? ksedst1()+98 call skdstdst() 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 2B12FB0F3118 ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? ksedst()+34 call ksedst1() 000000001 ? 000000001 ? 2B12FB0F3118 ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? dbkedDefDump()+2736 call ksedst() 000000001 ? 000000001 ? 2B12FB0F3118 ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? ksedmp()+36 call dbkedDefDump() 000000003 ? 000000003 ? 2B12FB0F3118 ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? ssexhd()+2326 call ksedmp() 000000003 ? 000000003 ? 2B12FB0F3118 ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? __restore_rt() call ssexhd() 00000000B ? 2B12FB0FBD70 ? 2B12FB0FBC68 ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? kkqljpmpr()+30 signal __restore_rt() 2B12FB550DC0 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 1DCCAC9C8 ? 2B12FB585470 ? 000000023 ? kkqfppDrvDescendent call kkqljpmpr() 2B12FB550DC0 ? 000000000 ? s()+997 000000000 ? 1DCCAC9C8 ?
with ds_bill_z as ( --上行数据:81438行 select id, bid, backsign, backsigntime, cids, chargestatus, cpstatus, ctime, flag, flowstatus, gid, goalcode, linkid, money, ordercode, pid, realordercode, sendsign, sendsigntime, serialnum, sign, sqnum, telephone, utime from ds_bill a where a.sign = 1 and to_char(a.ctime, 'yyyymmdd') >= 20140501 and to_char(a.ctime, 'yyyymmdd') <= 20140521 union all --下行数据:61124行 select,, x.backsign, x.backsigntime, x.cids, x.chargestatus, x.cpstatus, s.ctime, --上行时间,将下行数据与之对应的上行数据的时间进行统一 x.flag, x.flowstatus, x.gid, x.goalcode, x.linkid,, x.ordercode,, x.realordercode, x.sendsign, x.sendsigntime, x.serialnum, x.sign, x.sqnum, x.telephone, x.utime from (select a.* from ds_bill a where a.sign = 1 and to_char(a.ctime, 'yyyymmdd') >= 20140501 and to_char(a.ctime, 'yyyymmdd') <= 20140521) s, --上行:81438 (select a.* from ds_bill a where a.sign = 2 and to_char(a.ctime, 'yyyymmdd') >= 20140501 and to_char(a.ctime, 'yyyymmdd') <= to_char(to_date(20140521, 'yyyymmdd') + 3, 'yyyymmdd') --下行:61124 ) x --上行关联下行:61124 where s.serialnum = x.serialnum) select date_id as 时间, cp_name as CP名称, flag as 运营商名称, sum(sx) as 上行, sum(xx) as 下行, sum(u_count) as 用户数, sum(money) as 收入 from (select to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') as date_id, '所有' as cp_name, '所有' as flag, 0 as sx, 0 as xx, count(distinct a.telephone) as u_count, sum( as money from ds_bill_z a where a.backsign = 0 and to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') >= 20140501 and to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') <= 20140521 group by to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') union all select to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') as date_id, '所有' as cp_name, '所有' as flag, count(a.telephone) as sx, 0 as xx, 0 as u_count, 0 as money from ds_bill_z a where a.sign = 1 -- 上行 and to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') >= 20140501 and to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') <= 20140521 group by to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') union all select to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') as date_id, '所有' as cp_name, '所有' as flag, 0 as sx, count(a.telephone) as xx, 0 as u_count, 0 as money from ds_bill_z a where a.sign = 2 -- 下行 and a.backsign = 0 and to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') >= 20140501 and to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd') <= 20140521 group by to_char(ctime, 'yyyymmdd')) group by date_id, cp_name, flag order by date_id
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oracle Version 11g 64位
PL/SQL Developer Version