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SSIS的Force Execution Value如何使用?

悬赏园豆:10 [已关闭问题] 浏览: 466次 关闭于 2016-06-14 16:35

SSIS的Force Execution Value如何使用?



In the Control Flow you can force the Executionvalue of a Task. There is the properties ForceExecutionValue, that you must activate, and the property ForcedExecutionValue for the value which should be the ExecutionValue. In the property ForceExecutionValueType you define the Datatype of the Execution Value.

So far so good, but in which way can I use this forced Execution Value?

For Example: - an Execute SQL Task executes an UPDATE-Statement that updated 3 records - in the property ExecValueVariable is the variable "varValue" - after that Execute SQL Task, there is a Scripttask with a messagebox, that shows the value of the variable "varValue" If I run the package, everything works fine. 3 records were updated and the messagebox shows the value 3.

Now I change the property ForceExecutionValue to True, and the property ForcedExecutionValue to 1. If I run the package, I expect a messagebox with the value 1. But I shows still the value 3.

悦光阴的主页 悦光阴 | 老鸟四级 | 园豆:2251
提问于:2015-09-14 13:27
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