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.net java 分别调用同一个webservice 同样的参数返回不同的结果,有木有人遇到过?帮我看看

悬赏园豆:50 [待解决问题] 浏览: 612次


 SamplePortTypeClient server = new SamplePortTypeClient();

            AvailabilityRequest availabilityRequest = new AvailabilityRequest();
            availabilityRequest.UserId = "TEAMETRO";
            availabilityRequest.Password = "TEAMETRO";
            availabilityRequest.Token = "12345";

            AvailabilityRequestAvailabilityCriteria rqAC = new AvailabilityRequestAvailabilityCriteria();

            rqAC.AvailableOnly = false;
            rqAC.SummaryOnly = false;
            rqAC.PlanPerHotel = 100;
            rqAC.SortOrder = "C";
            rqAC.Limit = 1;
            rqAC.Offset = 1;

            AvailabilityRequestAvailabilityCriteriaDateRange rqACD = new AvailabilityRequestAvailabilityCriteriaDateRange();
            rqACD.Start = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-05-16");
            rqACD.End = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-05-20");
            rqAC.DateRange = rqACD;

            AvailabilityRequestAvailabilityCriteriaAvailability rqACA = new AvailabilityRequestAvailabilityCriteriaAvailability();
            rqACA.StateCode = "13";
            rqACA.HotelCode = "3628-302";//1338-103
            rqAC.Availability = rqACA;

            availabilityRequest.AvailabilityCriteria = rqAC;

            AvailabilityResponse availabilityResponse = server.AvailabilityRequest(availabilityRequest);

            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(availabilityResponse, Formatting.Indented);
View Code


 1 {
 2   "Error": null,
 3   "RequestParameters": null,
 4   "Availabilities": {
 5     "Availability": [
 6       {
 7         "HotelName": "Shijuku New City Hotel",
 8         "RoomRates": [
 9           {
10             "RoomTypeName": "Twin",
11             "RatePlanName": "Standard-Room only",
12             "Restriction": {
13               "MinGuestCount": 1,
14               "MinGuestCountSpecified": true,
15               "MaxGuestCount": 2,
16               "MaxGuestCountSpecified": true,
17               "CutOff": 3,
18               "CutOffSpecified": true,
19               "MinLengthOfStay": 1,
20               "MinLengthOfStaySpecified": true,
21               "MaxLengthOfStay": 13,
22               "MaxLengthOfStaySpecified": true
23             },
24             "DailyRates": [
25               {
26                 "Rates": {
27                   "Rate": [
28                     {
29                       "AgeCategory": "AD",
30                       "GuestCount": 1,
31                       "GuestCountSpecified": true,
32                       "Amount": 11100,
33                       "AmountSpecified": true
34                     },
35                     {
36                       "AgeCategory": "AD",
37                       "GuestCount": 2,
38                       "GuestCountSpecified": true,
39                       "Amount": 11100,
40                       "AmountSpecified": true
41                     },
42                     {
43                       "AgeCategory": "CA",
44                       "GuestCount": 2,
45                       "GuestCountSpecified": true,
46                       "Amount": 11100,
47                       "AmountSpecified": true
48                     }
49                   ],
50                   "CurrencyCode": "JPY"
51                 },
52                 "AvailableRooms": {
53                   "NumberOfUnits": 79,
54                   "NumberOfUnitsSpecified": true
55                 },
56                 "Date": "2017-05-22T00:00:00",
57                 "DateSpecified": true
58               }
59             ],
60             "RoomTypeCode": "19T102",
61             "RatePlanCode": "WA0000535",
62             "MealTypeCode": "01"
63           }
64         ],
65         "StateCode": "13",
66         "CityCode": "191",
67         "HotelCode": "3628-302"
68       }
69     ],
70     "TotalCount": "1",
71     "ResultCount": "1",
72     "ResultPerPage": "1",
73     "ResultPage": "1"
74   },
75   "Token": "12345",
76   "Status": "Success",
77   "TimeStamp": "2017-05-17T15:10:40.4+08:00",
78   "TimeStampSpecified": true
79 }
View Code


Java 代码


 1 package com.webservice.test;
 3 import java.io.StringWriter;
 4 import java.io.Writer;
 5 import java.rmi.RemoteException;
 6 import java.text.ParseException;
 7 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
 9 import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
10 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
11 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature;
13 import jp.co.nta.wdinbd.request.AvailabilityRequest;
14 import jp.co.nta.wdinbd.request.AvailabilityRequestAvailabilityCriteria;
15 import jp.co.nta.wdinbd.request.AvailabilityRequestAvailabilityCriteriaAvailability;
16 import jp.co.nta.wdinbd.request.AvailabilityRequestAvailabilityCriteriaDateRange;
17 import jp.co.nta.wdinbd.response.AvailabilityResponse;
18 import jp.co.nta.wdinbd.service.SamplePortType;
19 import jp.co.nta.wdinbd.service.SamplePortTypeProxy;
21 public class WbCall {
22     private static ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
24     public static void main(String[] args) throws RemoteException, ParseException, JsonProcessingException {
25         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
26         // NTAInboundWebservice service= new NTAInboundWebserviceSoapStub();
27         SamplePortType samplePortType = new SamplePortTypeProxy();
28         AvailabilityRequest availabilityRequest = new AvailabilityRequest();
29         availabilityRequest.setUserId("TEAMETRO");
30         availabilityRequest.setPassword("TEAMETRO");
31         availabilityRequest.setToken("12345");
33         AvailabilityRequestAvailabilityCriteria availabilityCriteria = new AvailabilityRequestAvailabilityCriteria();
34         availabilityCriteria.setAvailableOnly(false);
35         availabilityCriteria.setSummaryOnly(false);
36         availabilityCriteria.setPlanPerHotel(100);
37         availabilityCriteria.setSortOrder("C");
38         availabilityCriteria.setLimit(1);
39         availabilityCriteria.setOffset(1);
40         availabilityRequest.setAvailabilityCriteria(availabilityCriteria);
42         AvailabilityRequestAvailabilityCriteriaDateRange availabilityCriteriaDateRange = new AvailabilityRequestAvailabilityCriteriaDateRange();
43         SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
44         availabilityCriteriaDateRange.setStart(sdf.parse("2017-05-18"));
45         availabilityCriteriaDateRange.setEnd(sdf.parse("2017-05-20"));
46         availabilityCriteria.setDateRange(availabilityCriteriaDateRange);
48         AvailabilityRequestAvailabilityCriteriaAvailability rqACA = new AvailabilityRequestAvailabilityCriteriaAvailability();
49         rqACA.setStateCode("13");
50         rqACA.setHotelCode("3628-302");// 1338-103
51         availabilityCriteria.setAvailability(rqACA);
53         AvailabilityResponse availabilityResponse = samplePortType.availabilityRequest(availabilityRequest);
54         Writer write = new StringWriter();
56         objectMapper.setDateFormat(sdf);
57         objectMapper.enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT);
58         String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(availabilityResponse);
59         System.out.println(json);
60         //System.out.println(availabilityResponse);
61     }
63 }
View Code


  1 {
  2   "error" : null,
  3   "requestParameters" : {
  4     "availabilityCriteria" : {
  5       "availability" : {
  6         "stateCode" : "13",
  7         "cityCode" : null,
  8         "hotelCode" : "3628-302"
  9       },
 10       "dateRange" : {
 11         "start" : "2017-05-18",
 12         "end" : "2017-05-20"
 13       },
 14       "candidates" : {
 15         "mealTypeCode" : null,
 16         "roomKind" : null,
 17         "availableRooms" : 1,
 18         "adultCount" : 0,
 19         "childCount" : 0
 20       },
 21       "availableOnly" : false,
 22       "summaryOnly" : false,
 23       "planPerHotel" : 100,
 24       "sortOrder" : "C",
 25       "limit" : 1,
 26       "offset" : 1
 27     }
 28   },
 29   "availabilities" : [ {
 30     "hotelName" : "Shijuku New City Hotel",
 31     "roomRates" : [ {
 32       "roomTypeName" : "Twin",
 33       "ratePlanName" : "Standard-Room only",
 34       "restriction" : {
 35         "minGuestCount" : 1,
 36         "maxGuestCount" : 2,
 37         "cutOff" : 3,
 38         "minLengthOfStay" : 1,
 39         "maxLengthOfStay" : 13
 40       },
 41       "dailyRates" : [ {
 42         "rates" : null,
 43         "availableRooms" : {
 44           "numberOfUnits" : 0
 45         },
 46         "date" : "2017-05-18"
 47       }, {
 48         "rates" : null,
 49         "availableRooms" : {
 50           "numberOfUnits" : 0
 51         },
 52         "date" : "2017-05-19"
 53       }, {
 54         "rates" : [ {
 55           "ageCategory" : "AD",
 56           "guestCount" : 1,
 57           "amount" : 13300
 58         }, {
 59           "ageCategory" : "AD",
 60           "guestCount" : 2,
 61           "amount" : 13300
 62         }, {
 63           "ageCategory" : "CA",
 64           "guestCount" : 2,
 65           "amount" : 13300
 66         } ],
 67         "availableRooms" : {
 68           "numberOfUnits" : 100
 69         },
 70         "date" : "2017-05-20"
 71       } ],
 72       "roomTypeCode" : "19T102",
 73       "ratePlanCode" : "WA0000535",
 74       "mealTypeCode" : "01"
 75     }, {
 76       "roomTypeName" : "Twin",
 77       "ratePlanName" : "DerbySoft TEST Standard No Meals",
 78       "restriction" : {
 79         "minGuestCount" : 1,
 80         "maxGuestCount" : 2,
 81         "cutOff" : 5,
 82         "minLengthOfStay" : 1,
 83         "maxLengthOfStay" : 13
 84       },
 85       "dailyRates" : [ {
 86         "rates" : null,
 87         "availableRooms" : {
 88           "numberOfUnits" : 0
 89         },
 90         "date" : "2017-05-18"
 91       }, {
 92         "rates" : null,
 93         "availableRooms" : {
 94           "numberOfUnits" : 0
 95         },
 96         "date" : "2017-05-19"
 97       }, {
 98         "rates" : null,
 99         "availableRooms" : {
100           "numberOfUnits" : 0
101         },
102         "date" : "2017-05-20"
103       } ],
104       "roomTypeCode" : "19T102",
105       "ratePlanCode" : "WA0867131",
106       "mealTypeCode" : "01"
107     }, {
108       "roomTypeName" : "Twin",
109       "ratePlanName" : "DerbySoft TEST Book more than 3 nights with Special Discount-No Meals",
110       "restriction" : {
111         "minGuestCount" : 1,
112         "maxGuestCount" : 2,
113         "cutOff" : 5,
114         "minLengthOfStay" : 3,
115         "maxLengthOfStay" : 13
116       },
117       "dailyRates" : [ {
118         "rates" : null,
119         "availableRooms" : {
120           "numberOfUnits" : 0
121         },
122         "date" : "2017-05-18"
123       }, {
124         "rates" : null,
125         "availableRooms" : {
126           "numberOfUnits" : 0
127         },
128         "date" : "2017-05-19"
129       }, {
130         "rates" : null,
131         "availableRooms" : {
132           "numberOfUnits" : 0
133         },
134         "date" : "2017-05-20"
135       } ],
136       "roomTypeCode" : "19T102",
137       "ratePlanCode" : "WA0867132",
138       "mealTypeCode" : "01"
139     }, {
140       "roomTypeName" : "Twin",
141       "ratePlanName" : "DerbySoft TEST Early Bird Discount 41 Days-No Meals",
142       "restriction" : {
143         "minGuestCount" : 1,
144         "maxGuestCount" : 2,
145         "cutOff" : 40,
146         "minLengthOfStay" : 1,
147         "maxLengthOfStay" : 13
148       },
149       "dailyRates" : [ {
150         "rates" : null,
151         "availableRooms" : {
152           "numberOfUnits" : 0
153         },
154         "date" : "2017-05-18"
155       }, {
156         "rates" : null,
157         "availableRooms" : {
158           "numberOfUnits" : 0
159         },
160         "date" : "2017-05-19"
161       }, {
162         "rates" : null,
163         "availableRooms" : {
164           "numberOfUnits" : 0
165         },
166         "date" : "2017-05-20"
167       } ],
168       "roomTypeCode" : "19T102",
169       "ratePlanCode" : "WA0867133",
170       "mealTypeCode" : "01"
171     }, {
172       "roomTypeName" : "Twin",
173       "ratePlanName" : "DerbySoft TEST Standard Breakfast Incl",
174       "restriction" : {
175         "minGuestCount" : 1,
176         "maxGuestCount" : 2,
177         "cutOff" : 5,
178         "minLengthOfStay" : 1,
179         "maxLengthOfStay" : 13
180       },
181       "dailyRates" : [ {
182         "rates" : null,
183         "availableRooms" : {
184           "numberOfUnits" : 0
185         },
186         "date" : "2017-05-18"
187       }, {
188         "rates" : null,
189         "availableRooms" : {
190           "numberOfUnits" : 0
191         },
192         "date" : "2017-05-19"
193       }, {
194         "rates" : null,
195         "availableRooms" : {
196           "numberOfUnits" : 0
197         },
198         "date" : "2017-05-20"
199       } ],
200       "roomTypeCode" : "19T102",
201       "ratePlanCode" : "WA0867134",
202       "mealTypeCode" : "03"
203     }, {
204       "roomTypeName" : "Triple",
205       "ratePlanName" : "DerbySoft TEST Standard No Meals",
206       "restriction" : {
207         "minGuestCount" : 1,
208         "maxGuestCount" : 3,
209         "cutOff" : 5,
210         "minLengthOfStay" : 1,
211         "maxLengthOfStay" : 13
212       },
213       "dailyRates" : [ {
214         "rates" : null,
215         "availableRooms" : {
216           "numberOfUnits" : 0
217         },
218         "date" : "2017-05-18"
219       }, {
220         "rates" : null,
221         "availableRooms" : {
222           "numberOfUnits" : 0
223         },
224         "date" : "2017-05-19"
225       }, {
226         "rates" : null,
227         "availableRooms" : {
228           "numberOfUnits" : 0
229         },
230         "date" : "2017-05-20"
231       } ],
232       "roomTypeCode" : "19T203",
233       "ratePlanCode" : "WA0867131",
234       "mealTypeCode" : "01"
235     }, {
236       "roomTypeName" : "Triple",
237       "ratePlanName" : "DerbySoft TEST Book more than 3 nights with Special Discount-No Meals",
238       "restriction" : {
239         "minGuestCount" : 1,
240         "maxGuestCount" : 3,
241         "cutOff" : 5,
242         "minLengthOfStay" : 3,
243         "maxLengthOfStay" : 13
244       },
245       "dailyRates" : [ {
246         "rates" : null,
247         "availableRooms" : {
248           "numberOfUnits" : 0
249         },
250         "date" : "2017-05-18"
251       }, {
252         "rates" : null,
253         "availableRooms" : {
254           "numberOfUnits" : 0
255         },
256         "date" : "2017-05-19"
257       }, {
258         "rates" : null,
259         "availableRooms" : {
260           "numberOfUnits" : 0
261         },
262         "date" : "2017-05-20"
263       } ],
264       "roomTypeCode" : "19T203",
265       "ratePlanCode" : "WA0867132",
266       "mealTypeCode" : "01"
267     }, {
268       "roomTypeName" : "Triple",
269       "ratePlanName" : "DerbySoft TEST Early Bird Discount 41 Days-No Meals",
270       "restriction" : {
271         "minGuestCount" : 1,
272         "maxGuestCount" : 3,
273         "cutOff" : 40,
274         "minLengthOfStay" : 1,
275         "maxLengthOfStay" : 13
276       },
277       "dailyRates" : [ {
278         "rates" : null,
279         "availableRooms" : {
280           "numberOfUnits" : 0
281         },
282         "date" : "2017-05-18"
283       }, {
284         "rates" : null,
285         "availableRooms" : {
286           "numberOfUnits" : 0
287         },
288         "date" : "2017-05-19"
289       }, {
290         "rates" : null,
291         "availableRooms" : {
292           "numberOfUnits" : 0
293         },
294         "date" : "2017-05-20"
295       } ],
296       "roomTypeCode" : "19T203",
297       "ratePlanCode" : "WA0867133",
298       "mealTypeCode" : "01"
299     }, {
300       "roomTypeName" : "Triple",
301       "ratePlanName" : "DerbySoft TEST Standard Breakfast Incl",
302       "restriction" : {
303         "minGuestCount" : 1,
304         "maxGuestCount" : 3,
305         "cutOff" : 5,
306         "minLengthOfStay" : 1,
307         "maxLengthOfStay" : 13
308       },
309       "dailyRates" : [ {
310         "rates" : null,
311         "availableRooms" : {
312           "numberOfUnits" : 0
313         },
314         "date" : "2017-05-18"
315       }, {
316         "rates" : null,
317         "availableRooms" : {
318           "numberOfUnits" : 0
319         },
320         "date" : "2017-05-19"
321       }, {
322         "rates" : null,
323         "availableRooms" : {
324           "numberOfUnits" : 0
325         },
326         "date" : "2017-05-20"
327       } ],
328       "roomTypeCode" : "19T203",
329       "ratePlanCode" : "WA0867134",
330       "mealTypeCode" : "03"
331     }, {
332       "roomTypeName" : "Single  1bed",
333       "ratePlanName" : "DerbySoft TEST Standard No Meals",
334       "restriction" : {
335         "minGuestCount" : 1,
336         "maxGuestCount" : 1,
337         "cutOff" : 5,
338         "minLengthOfStay" : 1,
339         "maxLengthOfStay" : 13
340       },
341       "dailyRates" : [ {
342         "rates" : null,
343         "availableRooms" : {
344           "numberOfUnits" : 0
345         },
346         "date" : "2017-05-18"
347       }, {
348         "rates" : null,
349         "availableRooms" : {
350           "numberOfUnits" : 0
351         },
352         "date" : "2017-05-19"
353       }, {
354         "rates" : null,
355         "availableRooms" : {
356           "numberOfUnits" : 0
357         },
358         "date" : "2017-05-20"
359       } ],
360       "roomTypeCode" : "19T301",
361       "ratePlanCode" : "WA0867131",
362       "mealTypeCode" : "01"
363     }, {
364       "roomTypeName" : "Single  1bed",
365       "ratePlanName" : "DerbySoft TEST Book more than 3 nights with Special Discount-No Meals",
366       "restriction" : {
367         "minGuestCount" : 1,
368         "maxGuestCount" : 1,
369         "cutOff" : 5,
370         "minLengthOfStay" : 3,
371         "maxLengthOfStay" : 13
372       },
373       "dailyRates" : [ {
374         "rates" : null,
375         "availableRooms" : {
376           "numberOfUnits" : 0
377         },
378         "date" : "2017-05-18"
379       }, {
380         "rates" : null,
381         "availableRooms" : {
382           "numberOfUnits" : 0
383         },
384         "date" : "2017-05-19"
385       }, {
386         "rates" : null,
387         "availableRooms" : {
388           "numberOfUnits" : 0
389         },
390         "date" : "2017-05-20"
391       } ],
392       "roomTypeCode" : "19T301",
393       "ratePlanCode" : "WA0867132",
394       "mealTypeCode" : "01"
395     }, {
396       "roomTypeName" : "Single  1bed",
397       "ratePlanName" : "DerbySoft TEST Early Bird Discount 41 Days-No Meals",
398       "restriction" : {
399         "minGuestCount" : 1,
400         "maxGuestCount" : 1,
401         "cutOff" : 40,
402         "minLengthOfStay" : 1,
403         "maxLengthOfStay" : 13
404       },
405       "dailyRates" : [ {
406         "rates" : null,
407         "availableRooms" : {
408           "numberOfUnits" : 0
409         },
410         "date" : "2017-05-18"
411       }, {
412         "rates" : null,
413         "availableRooms" : {
414           "numberOfUnits" : 0
415         },
416         "date" : "2017-05-19"
417       }, {
418         "rates" : null,
419         "availableRooms" : {
420           "numberOfUnits" : 0
421         },
422         "date" : "2017-05-20"
423       } ],
424       "roomTypeCode" : "19T301",
425       "ratePlanCode" : "WA0867133",
426       "mealTypeCode" : "01"
427     }, {
428       "roomTypeName" : "Single  1bed",
429       "ratePlanName" : "DerbySoft TEST Standard Breakfast Incl",
430       "restriction" : {
431         "minGuestCount" : 1,
432         "maxGuestCount" : 1,
433         "cutOff" : 5,
434         "minLengthOfStay" : 1,
435         "maxLengthOfStay" : 13
436       },
437       "dailyRates" : [ {
438         "rates" : null,
439         "availableRooms" : {
440           "numberOfUnits" : 0
441         },
442         "date" : "2017-05-18"
443       }, {
444         "rates" : null,
445         "availableRooms" : {
446           "numberOfUnits" : 0
447         },
448         "date" : "2017-05-19"
449       }, {
450         "rates" : null,
451         "availableRooms" : {
452           "numberOfUnits" : 0
453         },
454         "date" : "2017-05-20"
455       } ],
456       "roomTypeCode" : "19T301",
457       "ratePlanCode" : "WA0867134",
458       "mealTypeCode" : "03"
459     } ],
460     "stateCode" : "13",
461     "cityCode" : "191",
462     "hotelCode" : "3628-302"
463   } ],
464   "token" : "12345",
465   "status" : "Success",
466   "timeStamp" : "2017-05-17"
467 }
View Code



现在Java调用的结果是正确的,但是我费解的是 C#调用为什么结果会不一样,都是同样的参数。

AlanCoder的主页 AlanCoder | 初学一级 | 园豆:79
提问于:2017-05-17 15:16
< > 人人可用的开源BI工具

原因出在,你用C# 把 类对象 序列成JSON数据传递过去的数据和Java把 类对象 序列化成json 传递过去的数据不一样。


需要格局 | 园豆:2145 (老鸟四级) | 2017-05-17 15:42

 C#里面 我调用的是vs添加服务引用的对象,并没有自己序列化,难道是生成代码有问题?

支持(0) 反对(0) AlanCoder | 园豆:79 (初学一级) | 2017-05-17 16:11



string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(availabilityResponse, Formatting.Indented);



支持(0) 反对(0) 需要格局 | 园豆:2145 (老鸟四级) | 2017-05-18 08:55


czd890 | 园豆:14492 (专家六级) | 2017-05-17 17:09

抓了下包,看到我在代码里面赋值的字段有些丢了 ,有些传过去了,所以导致结果错误,但是我不明白的是为什么会丢。

支持(0) 反对(0) AlanCoder | 园豆:79 (初学一级) | 2017-05-18 09:40



支持(0) 反对(0) czd890 | 园豆:14492 (专家六级) | 2017-05-18 11:11

@calvinK: server端 不知道是什么语言的,应该不是c#。我这边是c#直接引用服务调用的。

支持(0) 反对(0) AlanCoder | 园豆:79 (初学一级) | 2017-05-19 09:52


爱编程的大叔 | 园豆:30844 (高人七级) | 2017-05-17 17:19

大叔 我抓下来 看post的数据 有些  有的字段没序列化  有些 整个对象都丢了 这有点不懂了

能指点下么? 我抓下来是这样的 ,可是 字段我都赋值了为什么会丢呢?

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MS Web Services Client Protocol 2.0.50727.8784)
VsDebuggerCausalityData: uIDPo+ypzVh7CFtLuU4B0frKBKUAAAAA/NZ72q8zfUiphYZBIRA3II3S/xysXFJPuLw1z9SUDQIACQAA
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
SOAPAction: "urn:AvailabilityRequest"
Host: direct9.nta.co.jp
Content-Length: 514
Expect: 100-continue
Connection: Keep-Alive

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><soap:Body><AvailabilityRequest Token="12345" UserId="TEAMETRO" Password="TEAMETRO" xmlns="http://wdinbd.nta.co.jp/request"><AvailabilityCriteria SortOrder="D" xmlns=""><Availability StateCode="13" HotelCode="3628-302" /><DateRange /></AvailabilityCriteria></AvailabilityRequest></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>HTTP/1.1 100 Continue



支持(0) 反对(0) AlanCoder | 园豆:79 (初学一级) | 2017-05-17 19:38

@AlanCoder: 封装那么严实鬼知道怎么丢失的。你直接用tcp过去肯定对。既然已经知道哪里错误就换个靠谱的库或者自己基于http或者tcp写就行了。

支持(0) 反对(0) 花飘水流兮 | 园豆:13625 (专家六级) | 2017-05-18 19:49