我在ubuntu14.04的服务器运行程序的时候,一直出现Xlib:extension "XInputExtension" missing on display :14.0
和libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
You need the swrast driver installed for OpenGL rendering to work in headless mode. Typically, apt-get intall -y mesa-utils and libgl1-mesa-glx will do it. But if you have proprietary video drivers installed, it may take some googling to find the answer.
我执行apt-get intall -y mesa-utils and libgl1-mesa-glx 也不行,这个命令会提示
Command line option 'y' [from -y] is not known.
@NeXT、: 你是怎么安装 OpenGL 的?
安装OpenGL Library
$ sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev
安装OpenGL Utilities
$ sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libglut-dev
@NeXT、: 试试 Problems with libGl, fbConfigs, swrast through each update? 回答中的方法,我觉得很可能就是因为找不到对应的 libGL.so
@dudu: 是哦 看来看去应该是NVIDIA驱动程序需要配置,但是不知道阿里云支持不支持
@dudu: 通用型的服务器应该也不支持NVIDIA驱动程序