Error 1 The target "GetCopyToOutputDirectoryContentProjectItems" does not exist in the project. PhoneApp3
安装了Windows Phone SDK 7.1 Beta2出现上面错误。
帅哥,,, 搞定了吗????
我遇到这个问题,成功解决,关键是安装上xna game studio 。
In the past, we've heard from a few people via the Creators Club forums who have had trouble getting XNA Game Studio setup to run correctly. In a few cases, such as in this forum post, the setup program (named bootstrapper.exe) crashes shortly after double-clicking on the setup package to launch it.
If you run into this type of issue with XNA Game Studio 2.0, 3.0, 3.1 or 4.0 setup, you can use the following set of steps to bypass bootstrapper.exe and install the pieces of XNA Game Studio manually. Note - for the instructions below, if you are running a 64-bit version of Windows, you will need to use %programfiles(x86)% instead of %programfiles% for the installation paths.
To manually install XNA Game Studio 4.0
Note: This MSI will only display a small progress bar while it is installing and will not tell you when it is done. When the progress bar disappears, continue to the next step.
我也遇到了上述问题,具体是参考,你可以看一看,重装没有作用,但是按照这上面的步骤之后好使了,不懂的可以问我,QQ429645479.其原理就是 不使用bootstrapper,也就是引导程序,而是将文件解压。慢慢自己安装