Ext.define('Ext.grid.feature.Summary', { /* Begin Definitions */ extend: 'Ext.grid.feature.AbstractSummary', alias: 'feature.summary', /** * @cfg {String} dock * Configure `'top'` or `'bottom'` top create a fixed summary row either above or below the scrollable table. * */ dock: undefined, dockedSummaryCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'docked-summary', panelBodyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'summary-', init: function(grid) { var me = this, view = me.view; me.callParent(arguments); me.on('oncontextmenu',function(){alert('contextmenu')}); if (me.dock) { grid.headerCt.on({ afterlayout: me.onStoreUpdate, scope: me }); grid.on({ beforerender: function() { var tableCls = [me.summaryTableCls]; if (view.columnLines) { tableCls[tableCls.length] = view.ownerCt.colLinesCls; } me.summaryBar = grid.addDocked({ childEls: ['innerCt'], renderTpl: [ '<div id="{id}-innerCt">', '<table cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="0" class="' + tableCls.join(' ') + '">', '<tr class="' + me.summaryRowCls + '"></tr>', '</table>', '</div>' ], style: 'overflow:hidden', itemId: 'summaryBar', cls: [ me.dockedSummaryCls, me.dockedSummaryCls + '-' + me.dock ], xtype: 'component', dock: me.dock, weight: 10000000 })[0]; }, afterrender: function() { grid.body.addCls(me.panelBodyCls + me.dock); view.mon(view.el, { scroll: me.onViewScroll, scope: me }); me.onStoreUpdate(); }, single: true }); // Stretch the innerCt of the summary bar upon headerCt layout grid.headerCt.afterComponentLayout = Ext.Function.createSequence(grid.headerCt.afterComponentLayout, function() { me.summaryBar.innerCt.setWidth(this.getFullWidth() + Ext.getScrollbarSize().width); }); } else { me.view.addFooterFn(me.renderTFoot); } grid.on({ columnmove: me.onStoreUpdate, scope: me }); // On change of data, we have to update the docked summary. view.mon(view.store, { update: me.onStoreUpdate, datachanged: me.onStoreUpdate, scope: me }); }, renderTFoot: function(values, out) { var view = values.view, me = view.findFeature('summary'); if (me.showSummaryRow) { out.push('<tfoot>'); me.outputSummaryRecord(me.createSummaryRecord(view), values, out); out.push('</tfoot>'); } }, vetoEvent: function(record, row, rowIndex, e) { return !e.getTarget(this.summaryRowSelector); }, onViewScroll: function() { this.summaryBar.el.dom.scrollLeft = this.view.el.dom.scrollLeft; }, createSummaryRecord: function(view) { var columns = view.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns(), info = { records: view.store.getRange() }, colCount = columns.length, i, column, summaryRecord = this.summaryRecord || (this.summaryRecord = new view.store.model(null, view.id + '-summary-record')); // Set the summary field values summaryRecord.beginEdit(); for (i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { column = columns[i]; // In summary records, if there's no dataIndex, then the value in regular rows must come from a renderer. // We set the data value in using the column ID. if (!column.dataIndex) { column.dataIndex = column.id; } summaryRecord.set(column.dataIndex, this.getSummary(view.store, column.summaryType, column.dataIndex, info)); } summaryRecord.endEdit(true); // It's not dirty summaryRecord.commit(true); summaryRecord.isSummary = true; return summaryRecord; }, onStoreUpdate: function() { var me = this, view = me.view, record = me.createSummaryRecord(view), newRowDom = view.createRowElement(record, -1), oldRowDom, partner, p; if (!view.rendered) { return; } // Summary row is inside the docked summaryBar Component if (me.dock) { oldRowDom = me.summaryBar.el.down('.' + me.summaryRowCls, true); } // Summary row is a regular row in a THEAD inside the View. // Downlinked through the summary record's ID' else { oldRowDom = me.view.getNode(record); } if (oldRowDom) { p = oldRowDom.parentNode; p.insertBefore(newRowDom, oldRowDom); p.removeChild(oldRowDom); partner = me.lockingPartner; // For locking grids... // Update summary on other side (unless we have been called from the other side) if (partner && partner.grid.rendered && !me.calledFromLockingPartner) { partner.calledFromLockingPartner = true; partner.onStoreUpdate(); partner.calledFromLockingPartner = false; } } // If docked, the updated row will need sizing because it's outside the View if (me.dock) { me.onColumnHeaderLayout(); } }, // Synchronize column widths in the docked summary Component onColumnHeaderLayout: function() { var view = this.view, columns = view.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns(), column, len = columns.length, i, summaryEl = this.summaryBar.el, el; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { column = columns[i]; el = summaryEl.down(view.getCellSelector(column)); if (el) { if (column.hidden) { el.setDisplayed(false); } else { el.setDisplayed(true); el.setWidth(column.width || (column.lastBox ? column.lastBox.width : 100)); } } } } });