declare @type int
if 条件怎么写
from @RoomUser ab
left join Live_RoomUser_Sign lrs with(nolock) on ab.useridx=lrs.useridx --签约主播
left join person_videoplay_info lu with(nolock) on ab.useridx=lu.useridx
left join MultiRoom mr with(nolock) on mr.idx=ab.roomid --20190718
left join Live_StarExp(nolock) ls on ls.useridx=ab.useridx --主播等级
left join VoiceAnchorInfo va on ab.useridx=va.useridx --语音主播
where ab.useridx not in(select useridx from roomHotShield with(nolock) where
and ab.roomid not in(select [idx] from MultiRoom with(nolock) where [state]<>-1 and
select useridx from (
select distinct
,isnull((select starlevel from Room_StarSonger with(nolock) where Room_StarSonger.useridx=ab.useridx),0) as starlevel
,isnull(lu.weekcash2,0) as weekcash1
,isnull(lu.addcash,0) as weekcash2
,isnull(lrs.ntype,0) as contractStatus
,ISNULL(mr.RtmpState,0) rtmpstate,ISNULL(ls.[level],1) anchorlevel --主播等级
,@type as type into #templist
from @RoomUser ab
left join Live_RoomUser_Sign lrs with(nolock) on ab.useridx=lrs.useridx --签约主播
left join person_videoplay_info lu with(nolock) on ab.useridx=lu.useridx
left join MultiRoom mr with(nolock) on mr.idx=ab.roomid --20190718
left join Live_StarExp(nolock) ls on ls.useridx=ab.useridx --主播等级
left join VoiceAnchorInfo va on ab.useridx=va.useridx --语音主播
where ab.useridx not in(select useridx from roomHotShield with(nolock) where
and ab.roomid not in(select [idx] from MultiRoom with(nolock) where [state]<>-1 and
) as dd
select * from dd where useridx in (select useridx from语音主播表)
sql里判断一般用case when 即:CASE 成绩 WHEN 'A' THEN '优' ELSE '不及格' END
IIF(va.useridx IS NOT NULL, 1, 0) AS type
这样可以实现功能,但是效率会比较差,结果集包成 cet,
里面的查询多输出一个 语音主播表的id,如果left到了就不会是空,这样最后可以根据 是否空判断 type是不是要变成1
with cet as(
select distinct
--begin add 增加查询出一个 va表的主键
va.Id VoiceAnchorInfoId,
--end add
from @RoomUser ab
left join Live_RoomUser_Sign lrs with(nolock) on ab.useridx=lrs.useridx --签约主播
left join person_videoplay_info lu with(nolock) on ab.useridx=lu.useridx
left join MultiRoom mr with(nolock) on mr.idx=ab.roomid --20190718
left join Live_StarExp(nolock) ls on ls.useridx=ab.useridx --主播等级
left join VoiceAnchorInfo va on ab.useridx=va.useridx --语音主播
where ab.useridx not in(select useridx from roomHotShield with(nolock) where
and ab.roomid not in(select [idx] from MultiRoom with(nolock) where [state]<>-1 and
select 原始你的那些字段排除 type字段
,case when VoiceAnchorInfoId is null then cet.type else 1 end type from cet
分两个语句?先用一个临时表存 语音主播 然后在exists ,一个思路
– 码农工具人 4年前而且你是根据useridx关联了VoiceAnchorInfo (语言主播表)吗,如果没有的数据应该不会查出来吧。查出来的都是有的
– Yimi依米 4年前