declare @t table(type varchar(10),value varchar(10))
insert @t
select 'A', 'A1'
union all
select 'A', 'A2'
union all
select 'A', 'A3'
union all
select 'B', 'B1'
union all
select 'B', 'B2'
union all
select 'B', 'B3'
declare @t1 table(type varchar(10),count int)
insert @t1
select 'A', 2
union all
select 'B', 3
select * from
select a.*,b.count from @t a left join @t1 b on a.type=b.type
)a where right(value,1)<=count
select [Type],[Value] from
SELECT TableA.Type,TableA.Value,TableB.Counts,
row_number() over(PARTITION BY TableA.Type ORDER BY TableA.Type) AS [序号]
FROM TableA inner join TableB ON TableB.Type= TableA.Type
) b where b.[序号]<=b.Counts
type varchar(10),value varchar(10)
insert t
select 'A', 'a'
union all select 'A', 'aa'
union all select 'A', 'aaa'
union all select 'B', 'b'
union all select 'B', 'bb'
union all select 'B', 'bbb'
type varchar(10),counts int
insert t1
select 'A', 2
union all select 'B', 3
type varchar(10),value varchar(10)
declare @sql varchar(2000)
declare @type varchar(255),@counts int
declare MyCursor cursor for
select type,counts from t1
open MyCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM MyCursor into @type,@counts
while @@fetch_status = 0
set @sql = 'insert into #T_All(type,value) '
+' select top '+cast(@counts as varchar(10))+' type,value from t '
+' where type = '''+@type+''''
exec (@sql)
FETCH NEXT FROM MyCursor into @type,@counts
CLOSE MyCursor
select * from #T_All
--------删除测试表------,别把你自己的表删了哟 :)
drop table t
drop table t1
drop table #T_All
with TableA([type],value) as (
select 'A', 'A1'
union all
select 'A', 'A2'
union all
select 'A', 'A3'
union all
select 'B', 'B1'
union all
select 'B', 'B2'
union all
select 'B', 'B3'
TableB([type],counts) as (
select 'A', 2
union all
select 'B', 3
select a.[type],a.value from
( select [type],value,
row_number() over(partition by type order by value) rn
from TableA
) a, TableB b
where a.rn <= b.counts
and a.[type] = b.[type]
type value
---- -----
A A1
A A2
B B1
B B2
B B3
killkill写的不错 学习了
SELECT [type],[value],ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY [type] ORDER BY [value]) RN
)A, TableB B WHERE A.RN<=B.[Counts] AND A.[type]=B.[type]