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c# 中database

悬赏园豆:40 [已关闭问题] 浏览: 1211次 关闭于 2010-12-31 08:40

1,c#中加的local database 和serviced based database 有什么区别

2;在c#中加的database 和在sql server 2005中加的database 有什么区别


问题补充: 我怎么连接我的database(怎么open)
wzl2的主页 wzl2 | 初学一级 | 园豆:165
提问于:2010-12-28 12:00
< > 人人可用的开源BI工具

MSDN上面的答案:local database 和serviced based database的区别

A service-based database is a database that is only accessed through a server. It uses an MDF data file, which is SQL Server format. To be able to connect to a SQL Server database the SQL Server service must be running, because it's that that processes your requests and access the data file.

A local database is one that is local to your application only. It uses an SDF data file, which is SQL Server CE (Compact Edition) format. There is no need to install a server to access an SDF database. You simply distribute the DLLs that constitute SSCE along with your app and access the data file directly


至于说第二个问题,C#是开发语言,database指数据库两者没有必然联系,只是c#使用dataprovider连接到了数据库而已,以实现对数据的操作.sqlserver 2005是一个数据库管理软件,负责管理数据的存储和使用.

massinger | 园豆:706 (小虾三级) | 2010-12-28 12:19


Astar | 园豆:40805 (高人七级) | 2010-12-28 21:21